Understanding the superconductivity in the non-centrosymmetric superconductor...
There has been a great deal of interest in non-centrosymmetric superconductivity, mainly induced by the discovery of CePt3Si. The presence or lack of inversion has important... -
Studying Electron Freezing and The Emergence of Static Magentic Order in Nb a...
One of the technological goals is to create materials that show high permittivity and low dielectric loss, which has been achieved by the co-doping of Nb and In into rutile... -
Superconductivity and magnetism in novel iron-based superconductors
Magnetism and superconductivity compete and coexist in many of the high temperature superconductors, and the newly discovered iron arsenides are no exception. Muon-spin rotation... -
Short-range magnetic correlations in Er(Ni,Cu)Al
The intermetallic alloys RNiAl and RCuAl have been of high interest for several years. They crystallize in the hexagonal structure (ZrNiAl-type) and form various and complicated... -
Two Band Behaviour of the Superconductivity of Lu2Fe3Si5
RE2Fe3Si5 are unusual superconducting systems, with coexistence of magnetism on the RE site with superconductivity ( the Fe does not support a magnetic moment). Of particular... -
An investigation of anti-pressure effect on the time reversal symmetry breaki...
In this proposal we propose to continue our investigation into the LaNiC2 non-centrosymmetric superconductors. Previously, we have shown that in this system time reversal... -
Spin excitations in RbFe2F6 ¿ A possible S=5/2 Kagome lattice?
We propose to investigate the spin fluctuations in a candidate S=5/2 Kagome lattice. Previous neutron diffraction has found that RbFe2F6 maybe a good realization of a Kagome... -
µSR Study of the Ternary Silicides MRSi (M=Nb, Ta R=Re, Ru)
We propose to investigate the detailed superconducting properties of the non-centrosymmetric ternary silicides MRSi (where M=Nb, Ta R=Re, Ru). We plan to investigate the vortex... -
INS examination of potential hydrogen spillover on pure and metal decorated m...
Metal oxides(MO) are widely used in technological applications especially for catalysts and supports for catalysts. We propose to use the inelastic response of H2 adsorbed on... -
Muon-spin rotation study of the in-plane magnetic penetration depth of \refraof
This is an extention of the previous proposal (RB920385), which was awarded 7 days.The experiment has not been performed yet (scheduled in November), but we forsee... -
Relaxation plateau in the breathing pyrochlore antiferromagnet LiIn0.05Ga0.95...
In physics, frustration describes a situation where a system is unable to satisfy all of its internal interactions because of the geometry of its atomic structure. The most... -
Low Temperature Magnetic Behaviour of Sm2Zr2O7
Pyrochlore oxides of the type A2B2O7 (where A = trivalent rare earth, B = tetravalent transition metal element) can form geometrically frustrated magnets displaying a range of... -
MuSR study on spin liquid candidate NaYbSe2 with triangular lattice
The quantum spin liquid (QSL) is a long-standing attractive topic in condensed matter physics due to its tight relation to exotic properties such as high temperature... -
Magnetism in NaTiO2
NaTiO2 has been predicted to have a variety of unusual magnetic states, depending sensitively on the details of the crystal structure and interaction strength between the... -
Investigating magnetic ordering through μSR study in spin-chain Cu(NH3)4...
By the virtue of having an entangled ground state the Heisenberg spin ½ chain systems provide a suitable perform to test multi-qubit quantum information protocols. There have... -
Spin dynamics of Ce in the Noncentrosymmetric Heavy-Fermion Superconductors C...
In centrosymmetric heavy-fermion (HF) superconductors Cooper pairs have either singlet or triplet symmetry. Recently a handful of non-centrosymmetric Ce-based HF compounds have... -
Inelastic neutron scattering study on CeMnAsO and LaMnAsO
RMnAsO (R = Ce and La) are isostructural compounds with Fe-based oxypnictides, but has a unique properties as Mott insulator unlike the nonsuperconducting parent compounds of... -
Fluorine-arsenide superconductors
A new family of FeAs superconductors have very recently (Autumn 2008) been discovered in which, rather than alternating rare earth oxide layers with FeAs layers (as for the new... -
Novel ground states and spin ordering in pyrochlore iridates
We request four days of beam time to conduct zero, transverse, and longitudinal field measurements on pyrochlore iridates A2Ir2O7 (A-227) with A = Yb, Y, Nd in the temperature... -
Mechanical disorder-induced quantum spin liquid in a two-dimensional triangul...
The quantum spin liquid (QSL) state is one of the possible outcomes of quantum fluctuations advancing magnetic systems into a disordered phase. After more than 30 years of quest...