Mn have been found to be an interesting ion to be used as dopant in Lithium Niobate (LiNbO3) crystals in order to enhance their photorefractive properties. These materials are... -
Muonium in alpha-boron
Previous muon experiments have identified a muonium state in the commonly occuring, but complex, beta rhombohedral form of elemental boron. To complement recent theoretical work... -
Muon spin-relaxation probe of chiral spin-liquid state in YBaCo4O7
Geometrically frustrated antiferromagnets RBa(Co/Fe)4O7 (R=rare earth or Y) exhibit a weak ferromagnetic component in the high-temperature spin-liquid phase. Based on a symmetry... -
Na order and diffusion in NaxCoO2: Part II
Recently there have been reports that high-temperature sodium order and dynamics in NaxCoO2 (NCO) can strongly influence both the electronic & magnetic properties at low... -
Effect of electric field on paramagnetic state formation in molecular semicon...
The effect of electric field on the diamagnetic and paramagetic muon spin rotation signals will be investigated for the organic molecular semiconductors NPB and TPBi . These... -
Paramagnetic excitations in the topological Weyl semimetal Co3Sn2S2
In a magnetic Weyl semimetal (WSM) with broken time-reversal symmetry, large intrinsic anomalous Hall effect is expected if the Weyl nodes are close to Fermi energy, which... -
Low temperature localised/delocalised transport regime transitions in the P3H...
The aims of this proposal are to study the ALC resonance in crystalline and disordered P3HT at temperatures below 4.2K, as for crystalline P3HT a cross-over between localised... -
A Multiparameter muSR Study for Bioelectronic Conductors
Advanced health informatics is a grand challenge for 21st century medicine. The aim is to develop devices to enhance personalised healthcare. Part of such devices is selecting... -
Carrier density in novel Li ionic conductors studied with muons
When we know an intrinsic diffusion coefficient of Li-ion (D) in an ionic conductor, we could estimate a number of mobile Li ions, i.e. carrier density (n), from ionic... -
Isovalent cation substitution and the AF-SC boundary of oxypnictides
We have prepared a new family of electron-doped oxypnictides \RFeF\ with the same average Rare Earth radius as that yielding the highest superconducting Tc to date, i.e. the... -
Structure and Magnetism of Rb1-xFe2F6: Tuning the Valence of Charge-Ordered K...
We have recently discovered a new family of geometric frustrated magnets starting from the parent system, RbFe2F6, with crystallizes in the defect or β-pyrochlore structure... -
Studying Electron Freezing and The Emergence of Static Magentic Order in Nb a...
One of the technological goals is to create materials that show high permittivity and low dielectric loss, which has been achieved by the co-doping of Nb and In into rutile... -
Studying Electron Freezing and The Emergence of Static Magentic Order in Nb a...
One of the technological goals is to create materials that show high permittivity and low dielectric loss, which has been achieved by the co-doping of Nb and In into rutile... -
Possible spin liquids in rhombohedral pyrochlore lattices Mn2R3Sb3O14 (R = Y,...
In the context of geometrically frustrated magnets, a new family of compounds A2R3Sb3O14 (A=Mn, Mg, Zn, Co; R=rare-earth ions) has been recently discovered, in which the... -
Investigation of the magnetic hidden order in Sr2Ir(1-x)RhxO4 iridate with mu...
In the 5d layered perovskite material, Sr2IrO4, spin orbit coupling and strong electron correlations combine to give rise to a spin-orbit coupled Mott insulator, with a... -
High pressure behaviour of sulfuric acid tetrahydrate
Our previous work on sulfuric acid tetrahydrate (SAT) identified a monoclinic high-pressure polymorph, which forms at 5.35 kbar when the tetragonal low-pressure phase is warmed... -
MuSR study of Na battery electrodes
The overall aims of our project is to advance the performance of NIBs in terms of energy and power density by creating a closed-loop approach for materials design,... -
Exploring Local Ion Diffusion Dynamics in Na-doped Li5+2xLa3-xNaxTa2O12 by Mu...
A grand challenge facing society today is the need to develop green energy technologies. For instance, as we increase our use of renewable energy sources to cut our consumption... -
Auger recombination in low temperature silicon measured by photo-MuSR technique
We measure electron-hole recombination rate in low-temperature pure silicon using the photo-MuSR technique. The previous works have measured the recombination rate down to -30... -
Muons for Energy Nanonics
In order to improve the performance of future energy devices, nano-structuring materials is one of the most promising routes. LiFePO4 is a commercial battery cathode material...