Erfahrungen und Haltungen der Arbeitnehmendenorganisationen der Schweiz im Hi...
Der Evaluationsauftrag geht auf eine Motion der Nationalrätin Vreni Hubmann (02.3142) zurück. Hubmann verlangte, dass Rachekündigungen in privatrechtlichen Arbeitsverhältnissen... -
Die Schlichtungsfälle im Bereich des Gleichstellungsgesetzes in der Schweiz -...
Der Evaluationsauftrag geht auf eine Motion der Nationalrätin Vreni Hubmann (02.3142) zurück. Hubmann verlangte, dass Rachekündigungen in privatrechtlichen Arbeitsverhältnissen... -
Kenntnisse, Erfahrungen und Haltungen von Personalverantwortlichen im Hinblic...
Der Evaluationsauftrag geht auf eine Motion der Nationalrätin Vreni Hubmann (02.3142) zurück. Hubmann verlangte, dass Rachekündigungen in privatrechtlichen Arbeitsverhältnissen... -
Datenbank über die zwischen 1983 und 2007 gültigen, normativen Erlasse des s...
The project is methodologically inspired by an previous study carried out by Wolf Linder at IDHEAP in Lausanne in 1985 on the subject of "legal inflation". At that time, the... -
Population and Law in the Federal Republic of Germany
Relationship of the population to law, legal institutions and jurists. Topics: Knowledge about the responsible courts and the task of the Federal Constitutional Court; type and... -
Population and Law in Austria
Attitude of the Austrian population to law and the judiciary. Moral orientation and contacts with persons with deviant behavior. Topics: Evaluation of the various laws and... -
Population and Law in Belgium (Loi-Justice Opinion)
Relationship of the population to law and the legal institutions. Topics: Judicial knowledge and interest in legal matters; contact in legal questions; general sense of... -
Social Reactions to Deviant Behavior under Special Consideration of the Non-...
Victimization and judgement on the state under the rule of law as well as the criminal prosecution authorities. Topics: interest in media reports on crime and criminal acts;... -
Social Reactions to Deviant Behavior under Special Consideration of the Non-...
Judgement on criminal law and criminal prosecution in the FRG by judges. Topics: attitude to reading media reports on the criminal case now being worked on; assessment of the... -
Justice as Profession
The vocationally oriented philosophy of life of prospective and trained jurists as well as prospective teachers. Topics: 1. The following questions were posed to all... -
Politbarometer West 1991 (Cumulated Data Set)
The Politbarometer has been conducted since 1977 on an almost monthly basis by the Forschungsgruppe Wahlen on behalf of the Second German Television (ZDF). Since 1990, this... -
Eurobarometer 38.0 (Sep-Oct 1992)
General Indicators; 2. Attitude to the EC; 3. Attitude to abortion; 4. Smoking habits; 5. Product safety. Topics: 1. General Indicators: citizenship and eligibility to... -
Flash Eurobarometer 50 (Monthly Monitor October 1995)
Questions on the European Union. Topics: general judgement on membership of one´s own country in the EU; advantageousness of membership of the country in the EU; naming... -
Medical Profession and Practice in Social Change 1992-1998
Praxisorganisation und Praxisstruktur, Patientenstamm, ärztliche Leistungen, Versorgung älterer Menschen, gesundheitspolitische Einstellungen. Themen: In allen Befragungen... -
Flash Eurobarometer 188 (Consular Protection and Family Law)
Family law and consular protection in the EU. Topics: 1. Family law: expected role of the EU with regard to legislation in the following areas: adoption of children from... -
German Federal Legislature 1972 – 2005
Der vorliegende Datensatz beschreibt umfassend alle 6.503 Gesetzesentwürfe und deren legislative Behandlung, die zwischen der 7. und 15. Legislaturperiode (1972 bis 2005) in den... -
Eurobarometer 68.2 (Nov-Dec 2007)
Attitudes towards the EU. Corruption. Civil justice. E-communications. Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). Environment. Topics: 1. Attitudes towards the EU: preference for more... -
Flash Eurobarometer 263 (The Internal Market: Awareness - Perceptions - Impacts)
Internal market policy. Topics: 1. Attitudes towards the internal market in the EU: associations with the term ´Internal Market of the European Union´; attitude towards selected... -
Wissensstand und Haltung der Bevölkerung in der Schweiz zur Humanforschung un...
The aim of the study is to determine thelevel of knowledge and attitudes with regard to human research and human research law, as well as their willingness to participate in... -
Befragung von Abgeordneten beider schweizer Parlamentskammern - 1974
The study on the role of European parliaments in solving social conflicts was carried out by the Comparative Legislative Research Center of the University of Iowa (USA) in 1974...