PRIMA Cohorten Speciaal Basisonderwijs - PRIMA I 1994/1995
Survey and tests measuring the development of the cognitive and social skills of pupils (from schools for primay special education), as well as the development of their social... -
Functionele en schoolse leesvaardigheid 1992-1994
Study aimed at measuring literacy-levels and testing the relationship between functional literacy and school-based literacy. Reading ability tests / general knowledge tests /... -
PRIMA Cohorten Speciaal Basisonderwijs - PRIMA V - 2002/2003
Survey and tests measuring the development of the cognitive and social skills of pupils as well as the development of their social behaviour, background factors that might... -
PRIMA Cohorten Speciaal Basisonderwijs - PRIMA II - 1996/1997
Survey and tests measuring the development of the cognitive and social skills of pupils as well as the development of their social behaviour, background factors that might... -
Longitudinal data (2010-2012) on the effectiveness of mathematics mini-games ...
This dataset consisting of longitudinal data gathered in the BRXXX project, which aimed at investigating the effectiveness of online mathematics mini-games in enhancing primary... -
Wikken en wegen 1996-1997 : onderzoek naar de voorspellende waarde van het ad...
In this study data were linked from (1) Longitudinal data collection primary education-PRIMA III - 1998/1999 (Steinmetz Archive Studynumber P1464) and (2) Survey concerning the... -
Omnibus-enquete Purmerend 1994 - VSO 1994
Omnibus survey by the municipality of Purmerend. Contacts and satisfaction with municipal housing department, practice sports, use of sports accommodation / entertainment for... -
Ontwikkelingen van individuele verschillen in leesvaardigheid 1991-1994
Differences in literacy related to individual differences. P1295a is the data file about pupils with imputation for the missing data, P1295b is the same file without imputation... -
Pesten en delinquent gedrag onder Nederlandse scholieren 1999
Data are part of an international comparative study into bullying in school. Circle of friends / experience with being bullied / r'.s reaction to bullying / attempts of... -
Loopbaanwensen van leraren in het primair onderwijs 1992
Labour mobility, occupational mobility and career preferences of teachers from schools for primary and special education. Teaching tasks: type of education/ class... -
PRIMA Cohorten Speciaal Basisonderwijs - PRIMA III - 1998/1999
Survey and tests measuring the development of the cognitive and social skills of pupils as well as the development of their social behaviour, background factors that might... -
Landelijke evaluatie onderwijsvoorrangsbeleid 1992/1993 - LEO III
National evaluation of the educational priority policy (OVB)at elementary schools, survey among pupils and their parents; teachers and directors. The tests were developed by... -
PRIMA Cohorten Basisonderwijs - PRIMA IV - 2000/2001
Development of the cognitive and social skills of pupils as well as the development of their social behaviour, background factors that might explain these developments in... -
Aktebezit lager onderwijs 1965
Census on school-teachers' certificates / type and denomination of school. Background variables: basic characteristics/ education -
Landelijke evaluatie onderwijsvoorrangsbeleid - LEO 1988,1990 : Directie en l...
National evaluation educational priority policy at elementary schools, survey school heads and teachers. Number of pupils / number of primary years / number of working-class... -
The Choice of the School´s Foreign Language Profile: A Form of Horizontal Dif...
The research project investigates the question why more and more students or their parents decide to learn an old foreign language, such as Ancient Greek or Latin, although more... -
Teacher judgement accuracy of technical abilities in primary education.
Supplementary material to dissertation chapter 3: Teacher judgement accuracy of technical abilities in primary education. Published in . International Journal of Technology and... -
Pupils’ prior knowledge about technological systems: Design and validation of...
Supplementary material to dissertation chapter 2: Pupils’ prior knowledge about technological systems: Design and validation of a diagnostic tool for primary school teachers.... -
Fostering pre-service primary school teachers’ ability to recognise differenc...
Supplementary material to dissertation chapter 4: Fostering pre-service primary school teachers’ ability to recognise differences in pupils’ understanding of technical systems....