Dataset: Events and periodicity analysis related to the paper 'Automatically ...
This dataset features information on all the events that were automatically extracted from Twitter and used as input to periodicity detection, as described in the paper: F.... -
Diplomaattien Twitter-kysely 2021
Aineisto perustuu Twitteriä työssään käyttäville diplomaateille suunnattuun kyselyyn. Kyselyyn vastasi 108 islantilaista, ruotsalaista, suomalaista, tanskalaista ja virolaista... -
Dataset: tweets and analysis related to the paper 'Signaling sarcasm: From hy...
This dataset features training and test tweets as well as insights into the classifier model related to the paper: Kunneman, F.A., Liebrecht, C.C., Mulken, M.J.P. van & Bosch,... -
Dataset: tweets and analyses related to the paper 'The (Un)Predictability of ...
This dataset features all the tweetids and labels that were used to model the language of 24 hashtags, and test the performance on predicting the hashtags in unseen tweets. This... -
Data: Timely identification of event start dates from Twitter
This directory features data that is discussed in the paper: F. Kunneman, A. Hürriyetoglu, N. Oostdijk and A. Van den Bosch (2014), Timely identification of event start dates... -
Dataset: output related to the paper 'Event detection in Twitter: A machine-l...
This dataset features the output of intermediate steps and the final output of the research that is described in the paper: F. Kunneman and A. Van den Bosch (2014), Event... -
Sarcastic Soulmates: Intimacy and irony markers in social media messaging
We research the use of sarcasm on Twitter, and show that a computer has more difficulty to detect sarcasm shared among peers than sarcasm shared with any interested audience.... -
Dataset: tweets and events linked to the paper 'Open-domain extraction of fut...
Input data and output of research conducted in the study described in the paper: F. Kunneman and A. Van den Bosch (2016), Open-domain extraction of future events from Twitter,... -
Twitter accounts of the candidates in the 2023 German state election of Berlin
The research project SPARTA (Society, Politics and Risk with Twitter Analysis; funded by dtec.bw; dtec.bw is funded by the European Union - NextGenerationEU) collected tweets to... -
Ethnic Organizations Online (EO2) Dataset
With the increasing relevance of ethnic groups as political actors, the literature has attempted to identify and study the ethnic organizations representing these groups. How do... -
Pre-trained POS tagging models for German social media
Pre-trained POS tagging models for the HunPos tagger (Halácsy et al. 2007) the biLSTM-char-CRF tagger (Reimers & Gurevych 2017) Online-Flors (Yin et al. 2015).... -
German Twitter Titling Corpus
The German Titling Twitter Corpus consists of 1904 stance-annotated tweets collected in June/July 2018 mentioning 24 German politicians with a doctoral degree. The Addendum... -
GermEval-2018 Corpus (DE)
This dataset comprises the training and test data (German tweets) from the GermEval 2018 Shared on Offensive Language Detection. -
Replication Data for: Climate Nags: Affect and the Convergence of Global Risk...
This data set contains the IDs of the 1,186,322 tweets used in "Climate Nags: Affect and the Convergence of Global Risk in Online Networks" (published in Continuum, 2023). The... -
Twitter data corpus from, on the one hand, French-speaking Belgian political accounts and, on the other hand, a sample of accounts from the French-speaking Belgian population.... -
Under His Thumb. The Effect of President Donald Trump's Twitter Messages on t...
Does president Trump’s use of Twitter affect financial markets? The president frequently mentions companies in his tweets and, as such, tries to gain leverage over their...