Suchtmonitoring Schweiz Continuous Rolling Survey of Addictive Behaviours and...
Le Monitorage suisse des addictions est un système de surveillance épidémiologique mandaté par l’Office fédéral de la santé publique (OFSP). Son but est de collecter et de... -
MOSAiCH: Enquête sur la santé, l'environnement et la politique - 2011
Named MOSAiCH since 2005, this project carries out the International Social Survey Program (ISSP) and Eurobarometer surveys in Switzerland every second year. The survey is... -
Panelstudie zum Risikoverhalten Jugendlicher in der Stadt Freiburg, 1. und 2....
Das unter der Referenznummer 5368 archivierte Projekt (Daten zur 2. Vormessung sowie zur Nachmessung) wurde durch Daten aus dem Projekt (Referenznummer) 1682 (1. Vormessung)... -
MOSAiCH 2021. Measurement and Observation of Social Attitudes in Switzerland....
MOSAiCH is a cross-sectional survey that focuses on the Swiss population’s values and attitudes toward a wide range of social issues. The thematic focus of the 2021 edition lies... -
Short screenings for alcohol use disorder are crucial for public health purposes, but current self-reported measures have several pitfalls and may be unreliable. The main aim of... -
Étude fraXity : Enquête sur la fragilité et complexité des personnes bénéfici...
The objective of the fraXity study is to provide homecare professionals with valid and reliable frailty and complexity screening tools implementable in routine practice. Data... -
INF-COVID: Longitudinal data - Portugal - T0-T1-T2
The COVID-19 pandemic was making a huge impact on Europe’s healthcare systems in the spring of 2020, and most predictive models concurred that pandemic waves were in the offing.... -
INF-COVID: Longitudinal data - France - T0-T1-T2-T3
The COVID-19 pandemic was making a huge impact on Europe’s healthcare systems in the spring of 2020, and most predictive models concurred that pandemic waves were in the offing.... -
Wissensstand und Haltung der Bevölkerung in der Schweiz zur Humanforschung un...
The aim of the study is to determine thelevel of knowledge and attitudes with regard to human research and human research law, as well as their willingness to participate in... -
European Social Survey, Switzerland - 2014
L'enquête ESS (European Social Survey, http://www.europeansocialsurvey.org) est née de la nécessité d'obtenir en Europe des données comparatives sur nombre de questions... -
INF-COVID: Longitudinal data - Switzerland French-speaking - T0-T1-T2-T3
The COVID-19 pandemic was making a huge impact on Europe’s healthcare systems in the spring of 2020, and most predictive models concurred that pandemic waves were in the offing.... -
Befragung von Rekruten sowie 20-jährigen der Schweizerischen Wohnbevölkerung ...
Das Institut für Sozial- und Präventivmedizin erhielt von der «Eidgenössischen Jugend- und Rekrutenbefragung ch-x» den Auftrag, eine Befragung mit dem Titel «Befragung über... -
Short screenings for alcohol use disorder are crucial for public health purposes, but current self-reported measures have several pitfalls and may be unreliable. The main aim of... -
Psychische Gesundheitskompetenz und Stigmatisierung: eine Schweizer Umfrage u...
The Swiss Youth Mental Health Literacy and Stigma Survey (SYMHLSS) aimed to study mental health literacy and stigma towards mentally ill people in a representative youth sample.... -
Replication data for: Michelle Dey, Raquel Paz Castro, Anthony Francis Jorm, ...
The Swiss Youth Mental Health Literacy and Stigma Survey (SYMHLSS) aimed to study mental health literacy and stigma towards mentally ill people in a representative youth sample.... -
Étude «Vivre/Leben/Vivere» sur les conditions de vie des personnes âgées en S...
This project proposes to investigate the living conditions of the aged population in Switzerland and to address the diversity of these conditions using an interdisciplinary... -
Mental Health in Namibia - Survey Responses
Knowledge in psychology is based disproportionately on evidence from western, industrialized samples, non-representative groups in terms of global population. Models built only... -
Replication data for: Raquel Paz Castro, Michael P. Schaub, Corina Salis Gros...
Migrant populations usually report higher smoking rates. Among those migrant populations, Turkish- and Kurdish-speaking migrants are often overrepresented. Providing equal... -
Étude fraXity : Enquête sur la fragilité et complexité des personnes bénéfici...
L'objectif de l'étude est de fournir aux professionnels des soins à domicile des outils de dépistage de la fragilité et de la complexité valides, fidèles, et pouvant être... -
Normality in Medicine
The purpose of this study was to connect some conceptual dots surrounding the use of normality by regressing a person’s acceptance of normality as being applied in medicine on...