Study of cold moderator materials by Transmission and Deep Inelastic Neutron ...
Cold neutrons are widely used in different fields of research such as the study of the structure and dynamics of solids and liquids, the investigation of magnetic materials,... -
The dynamics of wild type and mutated myelin proteins P2 and CNPase.
The myelin sheath is a multilayered membrane wrapped around axons in the vertebrate nervous system; it enables the rapid transmission of nerve impulses. It contains a set of... -
The dynamical transition in dry proteins?
Water plays a critical role in determining the structure and function of biological system. A hydration level, h~0.2 g water/g protein, is often found to be the minimum... -
Cation reorientation dynamics in a metal formate perovskite
Hybrid metal-organic perovskites are promising functional materials, but the complex interactions between organic cations and the framework surrounding them are difficult to... -
New high pressure hydrates for energy applications.
The need to decarbon the energy economy is one of the greatest technological challenges mankind has ever faced. Gas hydrates offer new clean potential materials for hydrogen... -
Diffusive character of hydration water on protein surface by examining perdue...
Water is crucial for the functioning of proteins. There has been substantial work to study the effect of water on protein dynamics, structure and function. However, how protein... -
Hydrogen dynamics in a series of metal borohydride ammonia inclusion compound...
The proposed quasi elastic neutron scattering experiment at ISIS aims at the characterization of the dynamical properties of the series of coordination complexes Pr(BH4)3·nNH3,... -
Structural studies of the cycling and decomposition of Mg(NH3)6(BH4)2
Given its high hydrogen gravimetric density, ammonia may be utilised as a hydrogen carrier, and thus ammonia stores are an area of interest. It is known that Mg(BH4)2 takes up... -
Studying dynamics of water on graphene by quasi-elastic neutron scattering
Graphene-based materials have unique structural and physiochemical properties, and have been exhibited as efficient working substances to filter salts in saline water.... -
Decoupling effect between protein and water
Water plays a critical role in life. A hydration level, h ~ 0.2 g water/g protein, is found to be the minimum for the dynamical transition in protein at Td ~ 200 K. This... -
Micropore Collapse in Bulk Amorphous Solid Water
We propose to study the influence of deposition rates and annealing effects on microporous amorphous solid water samples (ASW) using NIMROD. The data will allow us to monitor... -
Thermal Microstresses in Polycrystalline Zinc
Temperature-dependent neutron powder-diffraction experiments on polycrystalline hexagonal zinc will be performed between 300 K and 25 K. During cooling to low temperatures... -
Copy of: Pressure induced phase switching magnetic ordering in BiFeO3-PbTiO3
This experiment seeks to continue previous work on PEARL, whereby the phase is altered in the room temperature multiferroic BiFeO3 - PbTiO3 using hydrostatic pressure with the... -
Phase Separation in NaTaO3. Can it be controlled by pressure?
The present proposal seeks to establish the pressure dependence of the Pbnm-Cmcm transition in NaTaO3 and some doped variants thereof. It aims to understand the understand the... -
Lyso Cooling Ref
This dataset has no description
Inelastic Measurements of a Frustration Stabilised 1D Ordered Magnetic State
Magnetic chains are playgrounds for unconventional physics but emergence of 1D order in cannonical systems is associated with full 3D magnetic order. Uniquely, below 1.6 K,... -
Amorphous Micrometre-Sized Water Ice Particles for Planetary Science Experime...
We request 5 days on NIMROD to characterise the pressure and temperature dependent properties of amorphous icy particles generated in liquid ethane, as they will be used in... -
The nature of the Ferroelectric Phase in CdTiO3
The aim of the present proposal is to establish the structure of the ferroelectric phase of CdTiO3 and to determine the nature of the ferroelectric-paraelectric phase... -
Thermal expansion and simultaneous Raman spectroscopy of methanol ammoniates,...
We have recently determined the structures of methanol-monoammoniate, and Me-hemiammoniate from neutron powder data. These are found to have different degrees of C-H...O... -
Neutron Scattering, Agricultural Wastes, Concrete & Water mobility: What can ...
In recent years, the research related to agricultural wastes aiming to evaluate their potential for recycling as well as the elimination of the landfills increased dramatically....