Measuring the structure of a poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) gel layer under compress...
Polymers adsorbed or otherwise attached to interfaces provide an extremely powerful tool to control the forces that act between interfaces. The functionality of these attached... -
In-situ neutron study of Oxygen absorption in YBaCo4O7+δ
A recent addition to the list of emergent materials is the ReBaCo4O7+delta family of compounds. Indeed, due to the magnitude of their oxygen uptake and release capability, they... -
Confinement and Lubrication in Liquid Crystal Films
Liquid crystals (LCs) are known to act as good lubricants, however, the reason for this remains unclear. One contributing factor is thought to be the formation of ordered layers... -
Hydrogen storage is considered to be one of the principal technological barriers in the transition towards a hydrogen-based economy. In this proposal, we plan to look at the key... -
Structural Studies of Li(ND3)n11BD4
On exposure to ammonia, Li(11)BD4 forms the ammoniate Li(11)BD4(ND3)n. Our recent experiment (RB820252) has shown that there are four distinct crystalline phases in the... -
Characterisation of on-top hydrogen on fuel cell catalysts.
A key step in a fuel cell is the dissociation of hydrogen gas to provide protons and electrons by a catalyst. For low temperature fuel cells carbon black supported... -
RF-muSR in the gas phase: the muoniated ethyl radical
Radio-frequency muon spin resonance is an exceptional technique for studying free radicals, but it has not been applied to study radicals in the gas phase. In a previous... -
Characterisation of the on-top vibrational mode of the surface hydride in bet...
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Characterisation of the on-top vibrational mode of the surface hydride in bet...
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Exploring CO2-philic/ CO2-phobic amphiphiles, cross-linkers and HC-polymers f...
Over the last two decades, many polymers have been tested to increase CO2 viscosity for applications in enhanced oil recovery using CO2 (CO2-EOR). Unfortunately, conventional... -
In Situ High Pressure NMR study of the Direct Synthesis of NaAlH4
NaAlH4 has been a model system for metal hydride hydrogen storage materials since the reaction was identified to be reversible. The decomposition pathway has been described by a... -
Structure of Confined Albumin Layers
In the context of a project in collaboration with ISIS that focuses on structural studies under mechanical confinement, with a specific focus on biological lubricants, the... -
W/CO2 nanodispersions as an energy-saving nanoreactor separable by pressure a...
Recent studies implied an unusual headgroup (HG)-free, fluorocarbon (FC) surfactant Nohead FC6-HC4 to form stable, W/CO2 nanodispersions (W/C NDs). With the unusual surfactant... -
The Effects of Zeolite Expansion on Molecular Diffusion
Zeolites are porous materials that can absorb other molecules, which makes them useful in a number of fields. When they absorb molecules, they change size, either shrinking or... -
Spontaneous solvation of graphene from KC24(NH3) and KC8 graphite intercalati...
Liquid phase exfoliation of graphite is a scalable method for the production of graphene with an inbuilt medium for the manipulation of the graphene into applications. Much like... -
Time of Flight MISANS
MISANS is the combination of Modulation of Intensity Emerging from Zero Effort (MIEZE) and Small Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS). SANS is used to determine the microscopic... -
Dynamic studies on the Li2B12H12 formation for 2LiBH4+MgH2/2LiH+MgB2 destabil...
The use of fossil fuels as an energy supply becomes increasingly problematic from the point of view of both environmental emissions and energy sustainability. As an alternative,...