5,142 datasets found

Keywords: Political behaviour and attitudes

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  • Eurobarometer 17 (Mar-Apr 1982)

    The Eurobarometer has the following main focus content areas: 1. satisfaction of the Europeans, 2. future concerns, 3. attitudes to Europe and the community, 4. attitudes to...
  • Eurobarometer 18 (Oct 1982)

    The main focus areas of this Eurobarometer are: 1. attitude of Europeans to Europe; 2. personal satisfaction as well as assessment of economic and political development; 3....
  • Politics in the Federal Republic of Germany (1978)

    Political attitudes as well as judgement on parties and politicians in the Federal Republic. Topics: judgement on one´s own and the general economic situation; most important...
  • Politics in the Federal Republic of Germany (1980)

    Political attitudes as well as judgement on parties and politicians in the Federal Republic. Topics: most important problems of the Federal Republic; judgement on one´s own and...
  • The Role of Broadcasting in the First Direct Elections to the European Parlia...

    The 1979 Media Study investigates the role of television in the first direct European Elections in 1979. It is a cross-national empirical research across nine nations. The...
  • Politics in Baden-Wuerttemberg (1980)

    Political attitudes as well as judgement on parties and politicians in Baden-Wuerttemberg. Topics: First wave: satisfaction with life in Baden-Wuerttemberg; judgement on one´s...
  • ZUMABUS 3 (1979)

    The ZUMABUS has the following main survey focus areas: 1. Political attitudes, election research, 2. Attitudes to democracy, 3. Occupational prestige, 4. ZUMA standard...
  • ZUMABUS 5 (1980)

    These omnibus surveys have two main survey focus areas: 1. Attitudes to energy and environmental questions, 2. Political attitudes and election research. Beyond this there is...
  • ZUMABUS 6 (1982)

    This omnibus survey has the following main survey focus areas: 1. Questions on use of drugs (moved to study no. ZA5988), 2. Attitude to energy and environmental questions, 3....
  • Leadership in the Federal Republic of Germany (Population Survey for the Man...

    The attitude of the German population to current political questions as well as to fundamental problems of democracy and its ability to function. Topics: most important...
  • Data Processing and Data Analysis with SAS (Exercise File)

    Exercise data set for the SAS book by Uehlinger. Sample of individual variables and cases from the data set of ZA Study 0757 (political ideology). Topics: most important...
  • States Study Spring 1974

    The political opinion climate before the state parliament elections 1974 in the states Schleswig-Holstein, Hesse, Lower Saxony, Rhineland-Palatinate, North Rhine-Westphalia and...
  • Social Reactions to Deviant Behavior under Special Consideration of the Non-...

    Victimization and judgement on the state under the rule of law as well as the criminal prosecution authorities. Topics: interest in media reports on crime and criminal acts;...
  • Social Reactions to Deviant Behavior under Special Consideration of the Non-...

    Judgement on criminal law and criminal prosecution in the FRG by judges. Topics: attitude to reading media reports on the criminal case now being worked on; assessment of the...
  • State Election in Lower Saxony 1982

    Political attitude of voters in Lower Saxony and their judgement on parties and politicians. Topics: Besides the common part described in study 1244 the following further...
  • State Election in Hesse 1982

    Political attitude of voters in Hesse and their judgement on parties and politicians. Topics: Besides the common part described in study 1244 the following further questions...
  • State Election in Bavaria 1982

    Political attitude of voters in Bavaria and their judgement on parties and politicians. Topics: Besides the common part described in study 1244 the following further questions...
  • State Election in Hamburg June 1982

    Political attitude of voters in Hamburg and their judgement on parties and politicians. Topics: Besides the part common to all state parliament elections described in study...
  • State Election in Hamburg December 1982

    Political attitude of voters in Hamburg and their judgement on parties and politicians. Topics: Besides the common part described in study 1244 the following further questions...
  • State Election in Rhineland-Palatinate 1983

    Political attitude of voters in Rhineland-Palatinate and their judgement on parties and politicians. Topics: Besides the common part described in study 1244 the following...
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