The Effect of Electron-Phonon Coupling on the Nuclear Dynamics of Superconduc...
We request beam time on VESUVIO spectrometer in order to characterise the effect of electron-phonon coupling on the nuclear dynamics of superconductors. This proposal is... -
Influence of the cation disorder on the magnetic properties of underdoped cup...
We want to isolate the effects of doping, charge localization and local distortion on the transition from insulating antiferromagnet to superconducting metal in YBCO. We choose... -
Muons for Energy Nanonics
In order to improve the performance of future energy devices, nano-structured materials is one of the most promising routes. LiFePO4 is a commercial battery cathode material... -
A muon coherent quantum resonance with I > 1/2 nuclei in A15 compounds
The implanted muon can form a quantum-coherent resonant state when sandwiched between two I=1/2 fluorine ions, where I is the nuclear spin. This state has usually only been for... -
Kinetics of lithium ions in high capacity anode for energy storage
The research on energy storage devices such as lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) is vital for electric vehicles (EVs), electronic devices and grid-scale energy storage. According to... -
Structural studies of methyl stearate
In order to tackle emissions targets for CO2, there is increasing pressure to replace fossil fuels with renewable fuels. Biodiesel is one such renewable transportation fuel that... -
Investigation of the re-entrant spin glass component and the anomalous Hall e...
Fe3Sn2 is a rare example of an itinerant frustrated ferromagnet (Tc = 640K), with a non-collinear spin structure. It shows a large anomalous Hall resistivity in a low field of... -
Investigation of Magnetic Fields in ZnGeP2:Mn
We propose an investigation of the magnitude and fluctuations of internal magnetic fields in Mn-doped ZnGeP2. This chalcopyrite structured semiconductor has a ferromagnetic (FM)... -
Probing the [FeFe]-hydrogenase using muon spectroscopy
During our previous experiment on HiFi (RB1320541) we measured the ALC spectrum of the Fe2(µ-pdt)(CO)4(PMe3)2 model hydrogenase complex over multiple temperatures. The spectra... -
Muon states and diffusion in alkali halides
The diamagnetic states formed by muon implantation in alkali halides are to be characterised, and their diffusion studied, by means of RF final-state analysis. The 90° pulse... -
Motion of Positively Charged Muonium Centres in Transparent Conducting Oxides
We propose further zero-field muon spin depolarization measurements at temperatures above 300K in order to determine barriers for thermal diffusion of positively charged muonium... -
Photoinduced carrier lifetime in silicon: E-field application for carrier sep...
This continuing experiment is proposed based on our previous experiment RB1510208, which we have carried out just recently. The experiment successfully observed the lifetime of... -
Magnetic properties of Graphene
This year Nobel Prize award to the discovery of graphene has evidenced the relevance of this material, which has outstanding physical properties and promising technological... -
The search and optimisation of Delta0 resonances in TIPS-Pentacene in solution
To the best of our knowledge, there is no previous work on using muons to measure photo-excited states in organic semiconductors or related materials. Our photo-excitation ideas... -
Study of NH4+ mobility in ammonia borane, ammonium borohydride and methyl amm...
We request 5 days on EMU to study the NH4+ ion mobility in the light borohydride materials NH3BH3, NH4BH4 and CH3NH3BH4. As has been proposed by Stowe et al., during the... -
MuSR studies of Alpha-Mn2-xCrxO3(x=0 and 10 %)
MuSR is useful technique/probe in studying small magnetic moment and also identifying magnetic order (short-range or long-range) in a magnetic material.Earlier report on neutron... -
Spin-orbit transitions in CoV3O8
Strong orbital mixing resulting from local distortions in the crystal field can mix higher energy orbital states with the ground state. We propose to characterise this mixing in... -
Observation of hydrogen dynamics in hydrogen storage materials by in situ muS...
This proposal describes an in situ muSR experiment on a hydrogen storage material, MgH2. This is because MgH2 attracts a special attention due to the fact that the hydrogen... -
Muons for Energy Nanonics
LiFePO4 (LFP) is a commercially applied cathode material for lithium ion batteries. With its Li ion hopping predominantly occurring along one-dimensional channels, LFP is a very... -
Layered Honeycomb Frameworks for Potassium-ion Battery Applications
Lithium (Li) ion batteries is the most common battery technology but lately also potassium (K) batteries are being considered. One reason is that the Li-reserves are limited and...