Y2K − Ungdom mot år 2000 - Insamling av data och prover från 20-åringarna
411 adolescents born in 1978 or 1979 in two socioeconomically different cities are included in the study. Collection of the material has occurred three times for each youth, at... -
Malmö kvinnors bentäthet - baslinjeundersökning
In OPRA, a total of 1,044 women (response rate 65%) underwent baseline investigation (1995-1999). Enrollment was continuous throughout the year to avoid seasonal bias. All... -
Malmö kvinnors bentäthet - 5-års uppföljning
In OPRA, a total of 1,044 women (response rate 65%) underwent baseline investigation (1995-1999). Enrollment was continuous throughout the year to avoid seasonal bias. All... -
Malmö kvinnors bentäthet - 10-års uppföljning
In OPRA, a total of 1,044 women (response rate 65%) underwent baseline investigation (1995-1999). Enrollment was continuous throughout the year to avoid seasonal bias. All... -
Maximal benmassa hos unga kvinnor: baslinjeundersökning
The PEAK25-cohort, women 25 yrs at inclusion, addresses factors contributing to peak bone mass. In 2014 the PEAK25 cohort is still unique since there are no cohorts nationally... -
Maximal benmassa hos unga kvinnor: 10-års uppföljning
The PEAK25-cohort, women 25 yrs at inclusion, addresses factors contributing to peak bone mass. In 2014 the PEAK25 cohort is still unique since there are no cohorts nationally... -
Barn och Unga i Skåne 2016 - Åk 6
In the spring of 2016, public health survey "Barn och Unga i Skåne 2016" was conducted among school children in grade 6, grade 9 and high school grade 2, in all 33... -
Barn och Unga i Skåne 2016 - Åk 9
In the spring of 2016, public health survey "Barn och Unga i Skåne 2016" was conducted among school children in grade 6, grade 9 and high school grade 2, in all 33... -
Barn och Unga i Skåne 2016 - Gy åk 2
In the spring of 2016, public health survey "Barn och Unga i Skåne 2016" was conducted among school children in grade 6, grade 9 and high school grade 2, in all 33... -
Barnens miljöhälsoenkät 2011: 8 månader
The Children's Environmental Health Survey is carried out in collaboration between the Institute of Environmental Medicine at Karolinska Institutet and the Statistics Sweden, on... -
Barnens miljöhälsoenkät 2011: 4 år
The Children's Environmental Health Survey is carried out in collaboration between the Institute of Environmental Medicine at Karolinska Institutet and the Statistics Sweden, on... -
Barnens miljöhälsoenkät 2011: 12 år
The Children's Environmental Health Survey is carried out in collaboration between the Institute of Environmental Medicine at Karolinska Institutet and the Statistics Sweden, on... -
Nationella miljöhälsoenkäten 2015
The environmental health survey is carried out in collaboration between the Institute of Environmental Medicine at Karolinska Institutet and the Statistics Sweden, on behalf of... -
Förekomst av luftrörssymtom och astma hos svenska tävlingsmotionärer
Asthma prevalence is high among elite endurance athletes, but little is known about its prevalence among competitive recreational athletes. The aim of this study was to... -
Umeå SIMSAM Lab: Ett registerbaserat forskningsprogram som knyter samman barn...
The Umea ̊ SIMSAM Lab in a nutshell: 1) The Lab was established for interdisciplinary research from childhood into lifelong health and welfare. It provides individual-level... -
Varianter på demokrati Dataset - Version 9 - Land-År: V-Dem Full+Övriga
Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem) is a new approach to conceptualizing and measuring democracy. We provide a multidimensional and disaggregated dataset that reflects the complexity... -
Varianter på demokrati Dataset - Version 9 - Land-Datum: V-Dem
Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem) is a new approach to conceptualizing and measuring democracy. We provide a multidimensional and disaggregated dataset that reflects the complexity... -
Varianter på demokrati Dataset - Version 9 - Kodare-Nivå
Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem) is a new approach to conceptualizing and measuring democracy. We provide a multidimensional and disaggregated dataset that reflects the complexity... -
Översättningsminne från Riksrevisionen
A translation memory received from a translator at the Swedish NAO Översättningsminne mottaget av översättare på Riksrevisionen i december 2017 Multilingual parallel material.... -
Parallella texter från Arbetsmiljöverket
Parallel texts downloaded from the websites of the Swedish Work Environment Authority. The txt files that are available are the result of running the pdf files through the...