Pollen and spores counts at site CRG_LM
Analyst: Michael O'ConnellLaboratory: Palaeoenvironmental Research Unit, NUI Galway, IrelandData analysis completed: 1983Sampling in field: Monolith, in two 1-m lengths, removed... -
Pollen and spores counts at site CRG_L5-a
Analyst: Michael O'ConnellLaboratory: Palaeoenvironmental Research Unit, NUI Galway, IrelandData analysis completed: 1983Sampling in field: When sampling in the field, monoliths... -
Pollen and spores counts at site CRG_BYC1
Analyst: Michael O'ConnellLaboratory: Palaeoenvironmental Research Unit, NUI Galway, IrelandData analysis completed: 1988Sampling in field: Short monolith that included peat and... -
Pollen counts of a Würmian loess section in Bobingen
This dataset has no description
Modern pollen data from moss and lichen polsters from the Canadian Arctic (19...
1 = pollen samples were only scanned and the presence of pollen noted (= present) -
Modern pollen data from Tauber and Tuffy samplers from the Canadian Arctic (1...
1 = pollen samples were only scanned and the presence of pollen noted (= present) -
Pollen profile of sediment core Trentelmoor
This dataset has no description
Pollen profile Kappel_SW, Bad Buchau-Kappel, Baden-Wuertemberg, Germany
analysis: A. Kleinmann 2008 -
Pollen profile Kappel_E_W, Bad Buchau-Kappel, Baden-Wuertemberg, Germany
analysis: A. Kleinmann 2008 -
Pollen profile Kappel_SE_156/120, Bad Buchau-Kappel, Baden-Wuertemberg, Germany
analysis: A. Kleinmann 2008 -
Pollen profile Kappel_SE_154/121, Bad Buchau-Kappel, Baden-Wuertemberg, Germany
analysis: A. Kleinmann 2008 -
(Fig. 6 ) Pollen profile Bb-98, Rambower Moor
analysed Jörg Christiansen -
(Fig. 5 ) Pollen profile Bb-96, Rambower Moor
analysed by Wiebke Kirleis -
(Fig. 3) Pollen profile Rud, Rudower See
analysed by Jörg Christiansen and Susanne Jahns -
(Fig. 4) Pollen profile Ra, Rambower Moor
analysed by Jörg Christiansen and Wiebke Kirleis -
Pollen record of profile Gabelsee
This dataset has no description
Pollen profile from sediment core De_Y
Analysed by Angelika Kleinmann 2009 -
Pollen profile from sediment core De_V1
Analysed by Angelika Kleinmann 2010 -
Pollen profile from sediment core De_I (27.4 cm in high resolution)
Analysed by Angelika Kleinmann 2010/2011 -
Pollen profile from sediment core Fersina-2
Lycopodium spores added: 10679 +/-191