Financial Inclusion Index 2024 (Online Survey)
Die Studie zur finanziellen Teilhabe wurde von Ipsos im Auftrag der SCHUFA durchgeführt. Es wurden deutschsprachige Personen im Alter von 16 bis 74 Jahren, die in... -
GESIS Panel - Extended Edition
The GESIS Panel provides a probability-based mixed-mode access panel infrastructure located at GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences in Mannheim, Germany. The project... -
GESIS Panel - Standard Edition
The GESIS Panel provides a probability-based mixed-mode access panel infrastructure located at GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences in Mannheim, Germany. The project... -
European System of Social Indicators: Income, Standard of Living, and Consump...
The European System of Social Indicators provides a systematically selected collection of time-series data to measure and monitor individual and societal well-being and selected... -
ALLBUS/GGSS 2014 (Allgemeine Bevölkerungsumfrage der Sozialwissenschaften/Ger...
ALLBUS (GGSS - the German General Social Survey) is a biennial trend survey based on random samples of the German population. Established in 1980, its mission is to monitor... -
German General Social Survey - ALLBUScompact 2014
ALLBUScompact is offered as an alternative to the structurally more complex full version of ALLBUS. It addresses the needs of newcomers to data analysis by providing a... -
German General Social Survey - ALLBUS 2014
ALLBUS (GGSS - the German General Social Survey) is a biennial trend survey based on random samples of the German population. Established in 1980, its mission is to monitor... -
ALLBUScompact/GGSScompact 2014 (Allgemeine Bevölkerungsumfrage der Sozialwiss...
ALLBUScompact is offered as an alternative to the structurally more complex full version of ALLBUS. It addresses the needs of newcomers to data analysis by providing a... -
Saving and old-age provision in Germany (SAVE) 2010
Spar- und Finanzanlageverhalten sowie Vorsorgemöglichkeiten und Vorsorgebedarf privater Haushalte. Altersvorsorge. Ruhestand. Herausforderungen von Haushalten aufgrund der... -
Japanese General Social Survey 2008 (JGSS 2008)
Description of the situation in family, everyday life, home and living environment. Gender role. Health. Knowledge of foreign languages. Occupation. Political issues. 1.... -
Flash Eurobarometer 289 (Monitoring the Social Impact of the Crisis: Public ...
Social impact of the crisis. Topics: development of poverty in the last twelve months in: residential area, own country, European Union; estimated share of poor people in the... -
Flash Eurobarometer 288 (Monitoring the Social Impact of the Crisis: Public ...
Social impact of the crisis. Topics: development of poverty in the last twelve months in: residential area, own country, European Union; estimated share of poor people in the... -
Flash Eurobarometer 311 (Monitoring the Social Impact of the Crisis: Public ...
Social impact of the crisis. Topics: number of children under the age of 15 in own household; self-rated living standard of own household (scale); development of poverty in the... -
Saving and old-age provision in Germany (SAVE) 2011/12
Spar- und Finanzanlageverhalten sowie Vorsorgemöglichkeiten und Vorsorgebedarf privater Haushalte. Altersvorsorge. Ruhestand. Themen: 1. Derzeitige Lebenssituation:... -
Graduation Study 2010 (Gymnasiasten-Studie, Fourth Wave)
Panel data on private and occupational life courses and personal attitudes (Gymnasiasten-Studie, Fourth wave). Topics: 1. Education: highest educational degree; time received... -
Saving and old-age provision in Germany (SAVE) 2013
Saving and investment behaviour in private households. Possibilities and needs of financial precaution in private households. Retirement planning. Pension. 1. Accumulation of... -
GESIS Panel - Campus File
The following description of the contents begins with the most recent wave. Part of every survey for all respondents (except in the Recruitment Interview): mode of invitation;... -
Flash Eurobarometer 338 (Monitoring the Social Impact of the Crisis: Public ...
Social impact of the crisis. Topics: number of children under the age of 15 in own household; self-rated living standard of own household (scale); development of poverty in the... -
Old-Age Insurance in Germany 2007 (ASID ´07)
Detaillierte Angaben zur Einkommenssituation und Altersvorsorge (25 verschiedene Einkommensarten). Themen: Selbsteinschätzung der finanziellen Sicherung im Alter; Sorgen... -
PIAAC-Longitudinal (PIAAC-L), Germany
In 2011/2012, key adult competencies were assessed in 24 countries (including Germany) as a part of the OECD Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies...