Cytotype-level responses and of Spartina plants to drought and elevated atmos...
Global change factors, such as drought and elevated atmospheric CO₂ levels, can have strong impacts on plant performance and evolutionary development. We investigated responses... -
Primary production of intertidal temperate seagrass Zostera marina from Rimou...
Eelgrass shoots (Zostera marina) from Rimouski, QC, were exposed in July 2020 to a natural gradient of light intensity, ranging from 6 to 860 µmol photons/m²/s, to assess the... -
Plant traits during experimental drought and restoration in a coastal prairie...
The average trait values of measured experimental field species of restored, unrestored, droughted and ambient rainfall from 2019. Values were determined by first averaging the... -
Specific leaf area and leaf dry matter content in the Jena-Ecotron experiment
This dataset contains specific leaf area and leaf dry matter content in the Jena-Ecotron Experiment in 2012. This experiment was conducted in the Montpellier European Ecotron... -
Quantitative macroalgae survey and kelp morphometry data collected at Hansnes...
Surveys were performed for macroalgae fresh biomass, dry biomass, leaf area index and kelp morphometry at Hansneset, Blomstrand in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard, from the infralittoral... -
Effects of in situ CO2 enrichment on structural characteristics, photosynthes...
Seagrass is expected to benefit from increased carbon availability under future ocean acidification. This hypothesis has been little tested by in situ manipulation. To test for... -
Hillscape plant traits at Klausen Pass (Griess Glacier) and Susten Pass (Stei...
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Biometric measurements of the seagrass Zostera marina in the Mira channel of ...
Biometric measurements of four colonizing Zostera marina patches in the Mira channel of the Ria de Aveiro from December 2019 to August 2020 Description Biometric measurements of... -
Biometric measurements of the seagrass Zostera noltii in the Mira channel of ...
Biometric measurements (shoot density, leaf width, leaves per shoot and leaf area) carried out in the Zostera noltei meadows along the Mira channel of the Ria de Aveiro lagoon... -
Data of the Garchinger Heide: processed data traits
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Light availability and temperature, not increased CO2, will structure future ...
We evaluated the photosynthetic performance of Posidonia oceanica during short-term laboratory exposures to ambient and elevated temperatures (24-25 °C and 29-30 °C) warming and... -
Biometric measurements of the seagrass Zostera marina in the Mira channel of ...
Biometric measurements of four colonizing Zostera marina patches in the Mira channel of the Ria de Aveiro from December 2019 to August 2020 Description Biometric measurements of... -
Biometric measurements of the seagrass Zostera noltii in the Mira channel of ...
Biometric measurements (shoot density, leaf width, leaves per shoot and leaf area) carried out in the Zostera noltei meadows along the Mira channel of the Ria de Aveiro lagoon... -
Vascular plant traits of samples from the Lakkasuo mire complex
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Species-specific traits from the Jena Trait Based Experiment species monocult...
This data set contains plant species traits: Flowering initiation, Flowering cessation, specific leaf area (SLA), leaf dry matter content (LDMC), leaf area, maximum canopy... -
Chamber measurements of methane transport through individual aerenchymous pla...
The presented dataset contains chamber measurements of methane transport (mg CH₄ g dry plant mass-1 day-1) through individual aerenchymous peatland plants and the ancillary data... -
Leaf mass area in Unguja Island (Zanzibar Archipealgo, Tanzania) sampled in 2016
We studied if functional traits related to resource preemption (light and inorganic nutrients) exert control on space preemption of tropical seagrass meadows. Additionally, we... -
Biometric measurements of the seagrass Zostera marina in the Mira channel of ...
Biometric measurements of four colonizing Zostera marina patches in the Mira channel of the Ria de Aveiro from December 2019 to August 2020 Description Biometric measurements of... -
Biometric measurements of the seagrass Zostera noltii in the Mira channel of ...
Biometric measurements (shoot density, leaf width, leaves per shoot and leaf area) carried out in the Zostera noltei meadows along the Mira channel of the Ria de Aveiro lagoon... -
Survival traits of plants in experimental plots in a coastal grassland in Cal...
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