Musical abilities predict the processing of prosodic focus cues in a second l...
Dataset and script used for the study "Musical abilities predict the processing of prosodic focus cues in a second language: An eye-tracking study". Description of the study:... -
The processing of L2 English focus prosody and the role of musical abilities ...
Dataset and script used for the study "The processing of L2 English focus prosody and the role of musical abilities in tone-language listeners". This study investigated the role... -
The relation between musical abilities and focus prosody in second-language s...
Dataset, analysis script, and Supplementary Results for the study "The relation between musical abilities and focus prosody in second-language speech production by tone and... -
HELLO CAMPANIA! Philippines Collection
The Philippines collection contains data for 66 speakers: 32 first generation (G1), 28 second generation (G2), 6 homeland (G0). The collection contains three folders for each... -
Corpus of textbooks for learning Slovenian as L2 KUUS 2.0
The KUUS corpus comprises 17 textbooks and 7 workbooks (over 700,000 words) for Slovenian as a second and foreign language. Published between 2002 and 2023 at the Centre for... -
Corpus of textbooks for learning Slovenian as L2 KUUS 1.0
The KUUS corpus comprises 17 textbooks for Slovenian as a second and foreign language published between 2002 and 2022 at the Centre for Slovene as a Second and Foreign Language... -
Corpus of textbooks for learning Slovenian as L2 ccKUUS 2.0
The ccKUUS 2.0 corpus consists of a set of two textbooks and two workbooks for learning Slovenian as a second and foreign language, aimed at adolescents. Published by the Centre... -
Kolipsi-1 Corpus v1.1
The Kolipsi-1 L2 is a written learner corpus of German and Italian L2 speakers originating from South Tyrol (Italy). It has been developed as a by-product of the KOLIPSI project... -
Kolipsi-1 Corpus v1.0
The Kolipsi-1 L2 is a written learner corpus of German and Italian L2 speakers originating from South Tyrol (Italy). It has been developed as a by-product of the KOLIPSI project... -
LEONIDE - Longitudinal Learner Corpus in Italiano, Deutsch and English 1.1
LEONIDE is a longitudinal corpus of student essays documenting the language competences and writing development of lower secondary school students in three different languages.... -
Probing binary mixtures of hard spheres
As part of a larger programme we aim to test densely-packed binary mixtures of monodisperse hard sphere powders to determine local structure, to correlate with ratio of... -
SANS studies of the micellar structure of C12-L-Carnitine and C14-L-Carnitine...
Acyl L-Carnitines are a group of novel surfactants with attractive physical and biological properties associated with their head group charge features. This work proposes to use... -
Test of an array of new thermal and resonance neutron detectors
The R&D activity on neutron detectors is strategic and instrumental for the development of reliable application of the neutron techniques. We propose to use two equal... -
Neutron diffraction characterization of Japanese steel swords fragments
Studying the sword forging techniques, and its evolution with time, is one of the most interesting topics in the analysis of the Japanese blade forging methodology. In that... -
INTER as a new Tool to Follow the Dynamic Adsorption of Antibody and Non-ioni...
Following our very recent work on the dynamic co-adsorption of our control antibody COE-3 and nonionic surfactant PS80-7EO from the mixed solution, We request 3 days of Inter... -
In Situ neutron diffraction of liquid gallium at elevated pressure
Gallium has a low melting point and forms a liquid just above room temperature. The melting curve has a negative slope and when pressure is applied room pressure phases will... -
Polystrene chain conformations in good solvents and electrospun fibres
This proposal is centered on the preparation of nanoscale fibres prepared by electrospinning and is the focus of the final year PhD programme of Saeed Mohan. These experiments... -
Exchange kinetics of complex coacervates core micelles
Coacervates have been studied for a long time for their unusual properties: they are dense networks of charged polymers that are soluble in water. Instead of flocculating when... -
Structure of chain-grafted silica nanoparticles
The aim of the proposed experiment is to carry out a series of SANS measurements on chain-grafted silica nanoparticles prepared in our laboratory. In this experiment we plan to... -
Quantifying the Asymmetry in Cell Membrane Mimetic Supported Lipid Bilayers.
Cell membranes are characterised by complex lipid composition and asymmetric distribution of lipids (lipids facing the outside of the cell are different from the lipids that are...