Archeologische waarnememing Damlaan Zutphen
Bij het uitgraven van een “wadi” naast de nieuwe paardenbak van manege De Dam werd een archeologisch onderzoek verricht. De resultaten bestaan uit zowel ingemeten grondsporen... -
Een perceel achter De Knipboog
Van 17 mei tot en met 1 juni 2021 is een archeologische opgraving uitgevoerd op perceel Venidse 2 in de gemeente Hoorn. Tevens is na afloop van de opgraving het uitgraven van... -
Hoofdstraat 117 te Epe, gemeente Epe. Inventariserend Veldonderzoek, verkenne...
Inleiding Synthegra B.V. heeft in opdracht van XXXX een archeologisch verkennend booronderzoek uitgevoerd op een terrein aan de Hoofdstraat 117 te Epe. De aanleiding voor het... -
Archeologische opgraving Raadhuisstraat 2 (Stadskantoor), Naarden Gemeente Go...
Archeologisch onderzoeksbureau IDDS Archeologie heeft van 24 maart tot en met 7 april 2020 een opgraving uitgevoerd aan de Raadhuisstraat 2 in Naarden, gemeente Gooise Meren. De... -
Schoorsteengeld Leiden 1606-Dataset en metadata van Projectfase 1-Transcripti...
Erfgoed Leiden en Omstreken bewaart in het Stadsarchief een bron die in de inventaris is aangeduid als SAII, inv.nr. 4988: ‘Kohier van het Schoorsteengeld, 1606. Voorin enige... -
Criminal records of 's-Hertogenbosch and Meierij, ca. 1550-1803
The database contains data on committed crimes in 's-Hertogenbosch and Meierij from 1550-1803. Extracts have been made of criminal records from the archive of the 'Bossche... -
Environmental Health Related Socio-Spatial Inequalities: Identifying ?Hotspot...
This is based on paperShrestha, R., Flacke, J., Martinez, J., & Van Maarseveen, M. (2016). Environmental health related socio-spatial inequalities: identifying hotspots of... -
High Resolution Remote Sensing Images from the Algerian steppic zone
As part of the EO AFRICA R&D MAPSPADES project (https://www.eoafrica-rd.org/research/research-projects-2023-2024), this dataset describes 877 high-resolution images... -
Dissimilarity-adaptive cross-validation experiments and datasets
This data includes all datasets and codes for implementing dissimilarity-adaptive cross-validation experiments, datasets and code, Reademe.txt explains each file's meaning.... -
Mapping the wavelength position of mineral features in hyperspectral thermal ...
This dataset was used for a publication that describes the first time application of the Minimum Wavelength Mapper tool to (airborne) thermal infrared data. The Wavelength... -
Wetland delineation and characterization layers 2014-2017, Rwanda
Wetlands are highly productive ecosystems and provide a range of goods and services on local to global scales and have become key sites of agricultural development in... -
Ignition Probability of Travis and Bastrop County in Texas USA
This study explores the variation in ignition probability from different development patterns. This study sought to answer how development influences the spatial IP patterns.... -
Long-term assessment of ecosystem services at ecological restoration sites us...
We developed a method using Landsat satellite images combined with a Before-After-Control-Impact (BACI) design, and applied this to an arid rural landscape, the Baviaanskloof in... -
Using hyperspectral imagery for identification of pyrophyllite-muscovite inte...
Hydrothermal mineral deposits are the primary source of many mineral commodities of global importance. Since hydrothermal alteration minerals associated with the formation of... -
Seasonal forage scarcity index from NDVI time series in East Africa, 2001-2017
This dataset presents georeferenced satellite-based information on vegetation greenness and forage scarcity in East Africa from 2001 to 2017. Recurrent drought represents a... -
Deprivation pockets through the lens of convolutional neural networks
This dataset contains data used for training and validating deep learning models used in the paper:Wang, J., Kuffer, M., Roy, D. and Pfeffer, K., 2019. Deprivation pockets... -
Factors influencing Resilience of Farmers to Natural Hazards in Irrigated Ric...
This research investigated factors influencing the resilience of farmers to natural hazards in disaster-prone irrigated rice fields in the Subang district, West Java. This study... -
AI4SmallFarms: A Data Set for Crop Field Delineation in Southeast Asian Small...
Agricultural field polygons within smallholder farming systems are essential to facilitate the collection of geo-spatial data useful for farmers, managers, and policymakers.... -
Potential of multi-temporal SENTINEL-1A dual polarization SAR images for vege...
As part of the G4AW SMARTSeeds project, this study aims to investigate the potential of dense time series of Sentinel- 1A dual polarization data for the classification of... -
Mapping cropping patterns in irrigated rice fields in West Java: Towards mapp...
This research mapped cropping patterns using time-series MODIS imageries in irrigated rice fields in West Java, Indonesia. This research was part of bigger research and serves...