"How does home ownership affect migrants’ sense of relative deprivation? An i...
Background: China is continuing to witness rising numbers of migrants (e.g., individuals migrating from rural tourban areas), and alongside this are the social restrictions and... -
Woonomstandigheden, gezondheid en lichaamstemperatuur bij zelfstandig wonende...
Occurrence of hypothermia ( body temperature below 35 degrees Celsius ) among the elderly. Type of residence: heating, insulation, location, conveniences size / cold, draught,... -
Historisch Leiden in kaart: Kohier van de tiende penning, 1543
In 1543 werd voor het eerst een nieuwe belasting geheven door de Staten van Holland. De grondslag hiervan was het bezit van onroerende goederen en inkomsten uit renten, waarover... -
Extern management van automatisering 1995 - MAT'95
A survey of the management of the purchase of information technology - IT products by small and medium sized enterprises in the Netherlands. Characteristics of buyer,... -
Immigratie onderzoek 1965
Opinions on immigration effects in Catalonia / stereotypes of immigrants / social distance scores. Background variables: basic characteristics/ place of birth/ residence/... -
Aanvullend materiaal Pander Maat & Gravekamp 2022
1 Experimentele teksten2 Mediatieanalyses bij de zorgtekst Date: 2022-02-16 -
Vakantie-onderzoek, 1975
Details on holidays / type / destination / period / company / kind of accommodation now and before / organization / planning / booking / means of conveyance. Background... -
De tevredenheid van slachtoffers van misdrijven met de slachtofferzorg (proje...
Het onderzoek brengt in kaart hoe tevreden slachtoffers op dit moment zijn met de huidige wet- en regelgeving rondom slachtofferhulp, waaraan eventueel behoefte is en welke... -
Research on the Impact of Housing Provident Fund Payment on Migrant Workers' ...
Owning their own housing not only helps migrant workers to obtain basic public services in the places where they enter, and thereby better integrate into the urban society;... -
Goed oud worden 1997
Evaluation of the effectiveness of a health programme "Ageing Well" for elderly people: 3-wave panel. Wave1: just before start of the programme wave2: just after end of... -
Adolescent conservatism 1985
This survey measures the occurrence of conservatism (c.q. progressiveness) with young people, by means of several attitude scales. Distinction has been made between economic and... -
The Generic Sense of Ability to Adapt Scale (GSAAS) in adults with mild to mo...
This data was retreived in the context of a two phased study introducing a new instrument to measure the generic sense of ability to adapt. In the first phase the items of the... -
Kwalitatieve analyse: kunst én kunde - dataset bron 12. "Credit crunch: Bradf...
Formaat: PDFOmvang: 77Kb Online beschikbaar: [01-12-2014]This article was published on the Guardian website at 08.42 BST on Monday 2 June 2008. It was last modified at 16.11... -
Culturele Veranderingen in Nederland 1980 - CV'80
Trend study of changes in general opinions and attitudes of ( parts of ) the Dutch population. Job satisfaction, worries, future, unemployment / satisfaction with present life... -
Stadspanelonderzoek Dordrecht 1996 - VSO
Panel survey city of Dordrecht March 1996. Town guards: tasks and goals / public safety / traffic safety / preferred sport activities by inhabitants of fifty years and older.... -
Cognitieve stijl 1975
Cognitive style tested by means of letter matrix reproduction test and embedded figure test. Background variables: basic characteristics/ education -
Customer Relationship Management
The impact of CRM on customer loyalty - evidence from banking sector Date Submitted: 2023-04-20 -
Straftoemeting overtreders artikel 26 der wegenverkeerswet en hun recidive 1969
Convicted for offending the road traffic act art. 26 / type of car / damage done / police dealing with case / opinion of general practitioner / former sentences / sentences... -
Longitudinaal Verplaatsingsonderzoek, meting 5, 1986 - LVO
Monitoring the effects of tariff raises in public transport within the framework of the general mobility developments. This description comprises the fifth wave of the... -
Biestkensbijbel 1560
Den Bibel, Inhoudende dat Oude ende Nieuwe Testament. (...) Ghedruct by my Nicolaes Biestkens van Diest. Int Iaer ons Heeren M. CCCCC. LX. Voor achtergrond zie de bijgevoegde...