The Dictionary of the Clothing Terminology of the Zilja Dialect in Canale Valley (Kanalska dolina – Val Canale – Kanaltal – Valcjanâl)


The Dictionary of the Clothing Terminology of the Zilja Dialect in Canale Valley (Kanalska dolina – Val Canale – Kanaltal – Valcjanâl) is the result of dialectological research team-work, conducted between 2003–2014. It was designed as a pilot project for the documentation of endangered variety of Gailtal dialect in the linguistically mixed area of Canale Valley. Considering the importance of preservation of the words for culturally relevant terms and concepts, the topic was chosen by the members of a speech community themselves. The sound material was gathered with various fieldwork techniques, from workshops on the old clothing dialect terms, classic dialect elicitations and guided conversations to monitoring spontaneous speech. As an additional source we used spoken texts, prepared for Slovenian Broadcasting Radio Trst (Trieste) A and the cultural heritage project Zborzbirk. The dictionary contains 594 entries and is based on approximately 1,400 sound clips from around 16 hours of recordings. It is formatted as a trilingual (Slovene-German-Italian) concordance-based dictionary and of which the most common collocations are presented alongside clothing terminology. Each entry is equipped with sound clips for dialect lemma and examples of dialect use ( The encyclopaedic information is contained in illustrative photographs of traditional clothing items ( or added as occasional commentary subsection. The documentary section presents the relations between the dialect and standard lexicon and documents the potential geographical area of the word. The multimedia lexical database is organised as a source for grammatical description of the local dialect varieties, especially phonology and morphology. The morphological section of the dictionary thus contains all word forms, confirmed in the speech corpus, with special attention to individual phonetic and inflectional variation. For that purpose, the narrow phonetic transcription (Slovene dialectological transcription) was used for transcribing dialect material. The previous editions were published as printed book: Kenda-Jež, Karmen, Shranli smo jih v bančah: slovarski prispevek k poznavanju oblačilne kulture v Kanalski dolini = contributo lessicale alla conoscenza dellʼabbigliamento in Val Canale, Ukve: S.K.S. Planika Kanalska dolina; [s. l.]: Slori, ATS Od me-je; Ljubljana: Inštitut za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša ZRC SAZU = Istituto per la lingua slovena “Fran Ramovš” CRS ASSA, ¹2007; Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU = Casa editrice CRS, CRS ASSA, ²2015.

Metadata Access
Creator Kenda-Jež, Karmen; Perdih, Andrej; Race, Duša
Publisher ZRC SAZU
Publication Year 2019
Rights Creative Commons - Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0);; PUB
OpenAccess true
Contact info(at)
Language Slovenian; Slovene
Resource Type lexicalConceptualResource
Format application/zip; text/plain; charset=utf-8; downloadable_files_count: 1
Discipline Linguistics