Cameroonian Languages Dataset
This is a collection of resources on Cameroonian Languages. The collection comprises electronic copies of scanned wordlists and TEI-XML encoded files of the wordlists. -
PoliMorf is a morphological dictionary for Polish resulting from the standardization and merger of Morfeusz SGJP and Morfologik. The present version includes extended... -
Indexes for djview4poliqarp
This is the archive of the mercurial repositories formerly available at https://bitbucket.org/jsbien/. They contain indexes to various resources in the DjVu format, in... -
Zestaw skryptów w języku Python do wygenerowania słownika odmiany fraz w oparciu o linki wewnętrzne Wikipedii. Efektem analizy dumpa Wikipedii jest zestaw plików, zawierających:... -
Emotional Annotations Dictionary
List of lexical units with emotional annotation extracted from Polish Wordnet (Słowosieć 4.0) -
NELexicon2 to rozszerzona wersją gazetteera nazw własnych, która zawiera ponad 2,3 miliona unikalnych napisów. NELexicon został wzmogacony o następujące zasoby: zdrobnienia... -
Bilingual Cascade Dictionary
Bilingual Cascade Dictionary is a collection of dictionaries organised in a cascade with the top-most dictionaries having the highest priority in applications. -
Wittgenstein Archives at the University of Bergen (WAB): WiTTLex - The WiTTFi...
WiTTLex - The WiTTFind Lexicon of Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Nachlass, with Frequency Lists and Indication of the Words’ Sources in the Nachlass WiTTLex is an electronic... -
Dictionary of the Slovenian Normative Guide (2001)
The dictionary part of Slovenian Normative Guide (first published in 2001) is a normative orthographic dictionary of Slovenian standard language. In 92,617 entries it contains... -
Collocations Dictionary of Modern Slovene KSSS 2.0
The database of the Collocations Dictionary of Modern Slovene 2.0 contains 4,491,958 collocations in 81,443 entries. Collocations occur in 81 different syntactic relations.... -
Dictionary of Slovenian phrasemes: school edition
The Dictionary of Slovenian Phrasemes: School Edition represents a part of phraseological entries in the educational language portal Franček. The underlying data stems from the... -
Collocations Dictionary of Modern Slovene KSSS 1.0
The database of the Collocations Dictionary of Modern Slovene 1.0 contains entries for 35,862 headwords (18,043 nouns, 5,148 verbs, 10,259 adjectives and 2,412 adverbs) and... -
Words of the 16th-Century Slovenian Literary Language
This dictionary provides comprehensive information on the vocabulary used in the Slovenian literary language during the period of the Reformation. It was written based on... -
Slovenian-German Dictionary of Maks Pleteršnik (1894-1895)
The Slovenian-German Dictionary of Maks Pleteršnik was first published in 1894-1895. It contains 103,185 dictionary entries. Beside standard and dialect lexis of the 19th... -
Dictionary of Twitterese Janes-Dict 1.0
The Dictionary of Twitterese 1.0 is the first attempt at a lexicographic description of non-standard Slovene as found on Twitter. Version 1.0 contains 1,002 entries, of which... -
Dictionary of Slovenian Phrasemes
The 3,002 entries of this dictionary cover the description and explanation of 13,125 Slovenian phrasemes. The use of phrasemes is represented by citations from lexical files... -
Dictionary of New Slovenian Words
Slovar novejšega besedja slovenskega jezika (Dictionary of New Slovenian Words) represents a basic new lexical supplement to the Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika (Dictionary... -
The Dictionary of the Clothing Terminology of the Zilja Dialect in Canale Val...
The Dictionary of the Clothing Terminology of the Zilja Dialect in Canale Valley (Kanalska dolina – Val Canale – Kanaltal – Valcjanâl) is the result of dialectological research... -
Dictionary of Lesser Used Slovenian Words
Dictionary of Lesser Used Slovenian Words contains 178457 headwords not included in the Dictionary of the Slovenian Standard Language. Information on inflection, part of speech... -
Reverse dictionary of Slovenian language
Reverse dictionary of Slovenian language contains 115,355 headwords and is based on the Dictionary of the Slovenian Standard Language (DSSL). Headwords are sorted a tergo (by...