Major, minor, and trace element lithogeochemistry of the Barney Creek Formation, Carpentaria Province northern Australia


The Proterozoic Carpentaria province in northern Australia is host to several of the world’s largest clastic dominant (CD-type) massive sulphide deposits. These deposits are mostly hosted primarily in dolomitic silt- and mudstones. The hydrothermal alteration footprint of these CD-type systems is not well constrained, which poses challenges for the targeting of future discoveries.

One important aspect to developing alteration models relates to defining the composition of the unaltered protolith to mineralization. In this dataset, we provide whole rock lithogeocheochemical data generated from samples obtained from drill-holes that intersected the mineralization in the Teena subbasin. A small number of samples are from 2 drill-holes from an adjoining subbasin (Myrtle) in the area. The samples were selected from stratigraphy of the Barney Creek Formation and are from the hangingwall to the mineralization in either subbasin.

This data report includes bulk rock major, minor, and trace element composition. The data were generated using X-ray fluorescence, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, and LECO analyses.

Access to drill cores was granted by Teck Australia (Pty Ltd) and the drill core IDs and depths of individual samples are reported in the data table.

For further details see: Magnall et al. (2021 - WHEN AVAILABLE)

Related Identifier
Metadata Access
Creator Magnall, Joseph M. ORCID logo; Gleeson, Sarah A. ORCID logo; Hayward, Nicholas; Dalrymple, Iain
Publisher GFZ Data Services
Contributor Magnall, Joseph M.
Publication Year 2021
Rights CC BY 4.0;
OpenAccess true
Contact Magnall, Joseph M. (GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany)
Resource Type Dataset
Discipline Geosciences