Trace element contents in white mica and tourmaline from the Panasqueira W-Sn...
Analyzing the chemical composition of rocks and minerals is an important tool for exploring and understanding mineral resources. Typically, hydrothermal ore deposits are... -
Mineralogy and Element geochemistry of volcanic rocks and sediments from the ...
The Central Rift in Kenya (CRK) comprises the lakes Naivasha, Elementaita and Nakuru and the Longonot, Eburru and Menengai volcanos. The alkaline magmas, produced by the... -
Database of mineral compositions within the lowermost oceanic crust accreted ...
This database contains mineral major and trace element compositions of gabbroic rocks composing the lower oceanic crust accreted at the East Pacific Rise and recovered at Hess... -
Medial moraine cosmogenic 10Be data and glacier surface velocities from four ...
At valley glaciers, rockwall erosion supplies debris to glacier surfaces. Once deposited on the ice, rockwall debris is passively entrained and becomes part of the glacial... -
Geochemical and isotope data on rock weathering, and nutrient balances during...
The data herein were used to assess the importance of geogenic-derived nutrients on long-term forest ecosystem nutrition in two mountainous temperate forest ecosystems in... -
Dissolved organic compounds in geothermal fluids used for energy production –...
This dataset comprises 47 fluid samples from 11 geothermal sites (Germany, Austria, Iceland, Turkey, Netherlands, Belgium, French West Indies). The samples were collected within... -
Hydrochemical analysis thermal water Insheim, Germany
The main objective of the work package 2 of the REFLECT project is to characterise relevant fluid properties and their reactions for saline fluids (type C). One of the specific... -
Hydrochemical analysis thermal water Balmatt, Belgium
The main objective of the work package 2 of the REFLECT project is to characterise relevant fluid properties and their reactions for saline fluids (type C). One of the specific... -
Hydrochemical analysis thermal water Heemskerk, Netherlands
The main objective of the work package 2 of the REFLECT project is to characterise relevant fluid properties and their reactions for saline fluids (type C). One of the specific... -
Hydrochemichal analysis thermal water Gross Schoenebeck, Germany
The main objective of the work package 2 of the REFLECT project is to characterise relevant fluid properties and their reactions for saline fluids (type C). One of the specific... -
Hydrochemical analysis thermal water Neustadt-Glewe, Germany
The main objective of the work package 2 of the REFLECT project is to characterise relevant fluid properties and their reactions for saline fluids (type C). One of the specific... -
Sample and Modelling Data for Cosmogenic 10Be in Medial Moraine Debris of Gla...
This data publication is supplementary to the study on headwall erosion rates at Glacier d'Otemma in Switzerland, by Wetterauer et al. (2022). Debris on glacier surfaces stems... -
Geochemical data on rock weathering along an erodosequence
We provide geochemical background data on the partitioning and cycling of elements between rock, saprolite, soil, plants, and river dissolved and solid loads from at three sites... -
Geochemical data on silicon isotope and Ge/Si ratios along a global erodosequ...
We provide geochemical data for three sites that define a gradient of erosion rates – an “erodosequence”. These sites are the Swiss Central Alps, a rapidly-eroding post-glacial... -
Major, minor, and trace element lithogeochemistry of the Barney Creek Formati...
The Proterozoic Carpentaria province in northern Australia is host to several of the world’s largest clastic dominant (CD-type) massive sulphide deposits. These deposits are... -
The mineralogical and lithogeochemical footprint of the George Fisher Zn-Pb-A...
The Proterozoic Carpentaria province in northern Australia comprises several of the wordl's largest Zn-Pb massive sulphide deposits. These deposits are mostly hosted in fine... -
Hydrochemical analysis thermal water Wildbad-Einoed, Austria
The main objective of the work package 2 of the REFLECT project is to characterise relevant fluid properties and their reactions for saline fluids (type C). One of the specific... -
Chhota Shigri Glacier simulations and cosmogenic nuclide data
The files in this dataset are supplementary to the article of Scherler and Egholm (2020), in which experiments with the ice flow and landscape evolution model iSOSIA (Egholm et... -
Hydrochemichal analysis thermal water Bad Blumau, Austria
The main objective of the work package 2 of the REFLECT project is to characterise relevant fluid properties and their reactions for saline fluids (type C). One of the specific... -
Dissolved organic compounds in geothermal fluids used for energy production
This data was collected to write an extensive review on organic compounds in geothermal fluids as part of the REFLECT (Redefining geothermal fluid properties at extreme...