Optical/NIR photometry of OGLE-2012-SN-006


We present optical observations of the peculiar Type Ibn supernova (SN Ibn) OGLE-2012-SN-006, discovered and monitored by the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment-IV survey, and spectroscopically followed by Public ESO Spectroscopic Survey of Transient Objects (PESSTO) at late phases. Stringent pre-discovery limits constrain the explosion epoch with fair precision to JD=2456203.8+/-4.0. The rise time to the I-band light-curve maximum is about two weeks. The object reaches the peak absolute magnitude M_I_=-19.65+/-0.19 on JD=2456218.1+/-1.8. After maximum, the light curve declines for about 25 d with a rate of 4 mag (100 d)^-1^. The symmetric I-band peak resembles that of canonical Type Ib/c supernovae (SNe), whereas SNe Ibn usually exhibit asymmetric and narrower early-time light curves. Since 25 d past maximum, the light curve flattens with a decline rate slower than that of the ^56^Co-^56^Fe decay, although at very late phases it steepens to approach that rate. However, other observables suggest that the match with the ^56^Co decay rate is a mere coincidence, and the radioactive decay is not the main mechanism powering the light curve of OGLE-2012-SN-006. An early-time spectrum is dominated by a blue continuum, with only a marginal evidence for the presence of HeI lines marking this SN type. This spectrum shows broad absorptions bluewards than 5000 {AA}, likely OII lines, which are similar to spectral features observed in superluminous SNe at early epochs. The object has been spectroscopically monitored by PESSTO from 90 to 180 d after peak, and these spectra show the typical features observed in a number of SN 2006jc-like events, including a blue spectral energy distribution and prominent and narrow ({nu}FWHM~1900 km/s) HeI emission lines. This suggests that the ejecta are interacting with He-rich circumstellar material. The detection of broad (10^4^ km/s) OI and CaII features likely produced in the SN ejecta (including the [OI] {lambda}{lambda}6300,6364 doublet in the latest spectra) lends support to the interpretation of OGLE-2012-SN-006 as a core-collapse event.

DOI http://doi.org/10.26093/cds/vizier.74491941
Source https://dc.g-vo.org/rr/q/lp/custom/CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/449/1941
Related Identifier https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/cat/J/MNRAS/449/1941
Related Identifier http://vizier.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/VizieR-2?-source=J/MNRAS/449/1941
Metadata Access http://dc.g-vo.org/rr/q/pmh/pubreg.xml?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_b2find&identifier=ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/449/1941
Creator Pastorello A.; Wyrzykowski L.; Valenti S.; Prieto J.L.; Kozlowski S.,Udalski A.; Elias-Rosa N.; Morales-Garoffolo A.; Anderson J.P.; Benetti S.,Bersten M.; Botticella M.T.; Cappellaro E.; Fasano G.; Fraser M.,Gal-Yam A.; Gillone M.; Graham M.L.; Greiner J.; Hachinger S.; Howell D.A.,Inserra C.; Parrent J.; Rau A.; Schulze S.; Smartt S.J.; Smith K.W.,Turatto M.; Yaron O.; Young D.R.; Kubiak M.; Szymanski M.K.,Pietrzynski G.; Soszynski I.; Ulaczyk K.; Poleski R.; Pietrukowicz P.,Skowron J.; Mroz P.
Publisher CDS
Publication Year 2017
Rights https://cds.unistra.fr/vizier-org/licences_vizier.html
OpenAccess true
Contact CDS support team <cds-question(at)unistra.fr>
Resource Type Dataset; AstroObjects
Discipline Astrophysics and Astronomy; Natural Sciences; Observational Astronomy; Physics; Stellar Astronomy