BIOGEOCHEMICAL dataset collected during the PEACETIME cruise


The general objective of the PEACETIME cruise is to study the fundamental processes and their interactions at the ocean-atmosphere interface, occurring after atmospheric deposition (especially Saharan dust) in the Mediterranean Sea, and how these processes impact the functioning of the pelagic ecosystem. During the proposed 33 days cruise in the western and central Mediterranean Sea in May 2017, we will study the impact of atmospheric deposition on the cycles of chemical elements, on marine biogeochemical processes and fluxes, on marine aerosols emission and how ongoing changes will impact the functioning of Mediterranean Sea communities in the future. The cruise is designed to explore a variety of oligotrophic regimes. Combining in situ observations both in the atmosphere and the ocean, and in situ and minicosm-based on-board process studies, the 40 embarking scientists from atmosphere and ocean sciences will characterize the chemical, biological and physical/optical properties of both the atmosphere and the sea-surface microlayer, mixed layer and deeper waters. The PEACETIME strategy (season and cruise track) associated to a combination of dust transport forecasting tools and near real-time satellite remote sensing is designed to maximize the probability to catch a Saharan dust deposition event in a stratified water column in order to follow the associated processes in-situ. This coordinated multidisciplinary effort will allow us to fill the current weaknesses/lacks in our knowledge of atmospheric deposition impact in the ocean and feedbacks to the atmosphere in such oligotrophic systems. As a key joint-project between MERMEX and CHARMEX : The PEACETIME project comes in the scope of the regional multidisciplinaryprogramme MISTRALS (Mediterranean Integrated STudies at Regional And Local Scales ), which aims at predicting the evolution of this region following strong expected changes in climate and human pressures. In this framework, the PEACETIME project constitutes a key joint project between the ChArMEx (the Chemistry-Aerosol Mediterranean Experiment) and MERMEx (Marine Ecosystems Response in the Mediterranean Experiment) initiatives, enabling to gather communities of atmospheric chemists and marine biogeochemists around the common question of assessing the impact of atmospheric deposition on the marine biogeochemical processes and air-sea exchanges.

Metadata Access
Creator Guieu, Cecile; Desboeufs, Karine; Albani, Samuel; Alliouane, Samir; Aumont, Olivier; Barbieux, Marie; Barrillon, Stéphanie; Baudoux, Anne-claire; Berline, Léo; Bhairy, Nagib; Bigeard, Estelle; Bloss, Matthew; Bressac, Matthieu; Brito, J.; Carlotti, François; De Liege, Guillaume; Dinasquet, Julie; Djaoudi, Kahina; Doglioli, Andréa; D'Ortenzio, Fabrizio; Doussin, Jean-françois; Duforet, Lucile; Dulac, François; Dutay, Jean-claude; Engel, Anja; Feliu-brito, Guillermo; Ferre, Hélène; Formenti, Paola; Fu, Franck; Garcia, David; Garel, Marc; Gazeau, Frédéric; Giorio, Chiara; Gregori, Gérald; Grisoni, Jean-michel; Guasco, Sophie; Guittonneau, Joris; Haëntjens, Nils; Heimburger, Lars-eric; Helias, Sandra; Jacquet, Stéphanie; Laurent, Brice; Leblond, Nathalie; Lefevre, Dominique; Mallet, Marc; Marañón, Emilio; Nabat, Pierre; Nicosia, A.; Obernosterer, Ingrid; Perez Lorenzo, Maria; Petrenko, Anne; Pulido-villena, Elvira; Raimbault, Patrick; Ridame, Céline; Riffault, Véronique; Rougier, Gilles; Rousselet, Louise; Roy-barman, Matthieu; Saiz-lopez, Alfonso; Schmechtig, Catherine; Sellegri, Karine; Siour, Guillaume; Taillandier, Vincent; Tamburini, Christian; Thyssen, Melilotus; Tovar-sanchez, Antonio; Triquet, Sylvain; Uitz, Julia; Van Wambeke, France; Wagener, Thibaut; Zaencker, Birthe
Publisher SEANOE
Publication Year 2024
Rights CC-BY
OpenAccess true
Contact SEANOE
Resource Type Dataset
Discipline Marine Science