Ground truth (GT) data (jpg and alto xml files) for an OCR model that recognizes printed text in Devanagari script.
The GT data was trained on Transkribus with the HTR+ engine. The training was performed on appr. 220 pages with appr. 27,000 words. The validation set was 10% of the training set.
The training material is comprised of letterpress printings from the Naval Kishore Press (Lakhnau, North India) from the late 19th and early 20th century in the Hindi, Sanskrit, Braj Bhasha and Awadhi languages.
Transcription was performed by Nicole Merkel-Hilf (CATS Library / Heidelberg University Library) with support by Daria Peshcherova (CATS Library / Heidelberg University Library).
Transkribus, v1.19.3 (16_05_2022)