To better understand the vegetation evolution since the last deglaciation in southwestern Africa, we present pollen and spores data of 70 samples from marine sediment core GeoB20628-1 which was retrieved from the southern coast of South Africa, east of the Breede River mouth, during RV METEOR cruise M123 (34°33.880′ S, 21°05.670′ E) in 71 m water depth. The pollen and spores assemblage exhibits a vegetation shift among various fynbos throughout the record, including restioid fynbos, ericaceous fynbos, asteraceous fynbos and renosterveld during different periods. The neophyte taxa (Pinus spp.) which occurred regularly during the last 1300 years, together with a vegetation shift from restioid fynbos to renosterveld suggest an influence of both climate and human activities on the landscape.