Hebrew Text Database ETCBC4
Identifier | |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17026/dans-2z3-arxf |
Metadata Access | https://ssh.datastations.nl/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_datacite&identifier=doi:10.17026/dans-2z3-arxf |
Provenance | |
Creator | W.T. van Peursen |
Publisher | DANS Data Station Social Sciences and Humanities |
Contributor | W.T. van Peursen; E. Talstra (Eep Talstra Centre for Bible And Computing, VU University Amsterdam); J. Dyk (Eep Talstra Centre for Bible And Computing, VU University Amsterdam); C. Sikkel (Eep Talstra Centre for Bible And Computing, VU University Amsterdam); O. Glanz (Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Andrews University Berrien Springs, Michigan); R. Oosting (Leiden Institute for Religious Studies, Leiden University); G. Kalkman (Eep Talstra Centre for Bible And Computing, VU University Amsterdam); D. Roorda (Data Archiving and Networked Services, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences) |
Publication Year | 2014 |
Rights | CC-BY-NC-4.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccess; http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 |
OpenAccess | false |
Contact | W.T. van Peursen (VU University, Faculty of Theology) |
Representation | |
Resource Type | Dataset |
Format | text/csv; text/plain; application/octet-stream; text/html; image/gif; application/pdf; text/x-python; text/xml; text/css; application/gzip; image/png; application/javascript; application/zip; application/x-bzip2; image/jpeg; application/vnd.ms-fontobject; image/svg+xml; application/x-font-ttf; application/x-font-woff; application/x-ipynb+json; text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; text/comma-separated-values; text/markdown; application/x-sh |
Size | 726; 79391; 732; 3234; 49033; 27136; 10092; 673; 108439; 107944; 106302; 106170; 58369; 9508; 353; 87; 9; 411; 48; 71; 0; 577; 107100; 107176; 105580; 104077; 154166; 78798; 34803; 107437; 181017; 108110; 80049; 67118; 31700; 14531; 2992; 8452; 104471; 105965; 119; 3651062; 4385357; 414; 115; 1229731; 331849; 103; 63; 114; 4048138; 6320276; 440; 1053061; 104; 230690; 57; 118389; 103479; 106221; 104649; 109968; 104182; 3500; 3578; 3445; 104736; 2199; 176710; 114540; 106855; 24160; 31894; 8892; 85457; 12787; 1167; 1473; 107021; 53; 107198; 105846; 6680; 363; 368; 347255; 18; 54; 19; 165; 46668; 6071; 15580; 18832; 3840; 2258; 1456644; 104260; 269712; 126012416; 10412; 107887; 13519; 16633; 15601; 2639; 108982956; 3968; 154932994; 112433273; 4012; 23597726; 5081; 1541; 23184616; 5525; 16491; 313812367; 12581487; 673589730; 4883; 130881008; 9604; 23360605; 38666991; 2452; 5644; 38272043; 38785079; 5320396; 1705; 1687; 73373; 518801; 674176; 2019316; 139984; 15482; 45995; 28563; 8881; 1718; 31877; 122878; 92091; 20637; 108; 1142976; 1767473; 199; 78; 340272; 56; 159; 65689; 10246; 35; 117; 83; 70; 140; 392; 105241; 60; 62; 72; 73; 493; 7595360; 7713461; 466; 573; 10011512; 7882812; 548; 4734561; 490; 372773; 531073; 2249013; 183; 1113133; 2514566; 147258; 1321517; 138; 2726410; 3206068; 3196296; 3509953; 1508816; 1157007; 1164963; 983186; 990338; 960107; 967739; 676223; 676696; 899580; 904469; 775727; 778305; 4003294; 426; 4353516; 355873; 1441256; 2636211; 2684648; 1524093; 867019; 1726393; 1617498; 5630901; 113; 1882035; 1760336; 1897040; 1562959; 2985189; 1885516; 1473592; 293268; 155; 1148422; 295346; 84; 209; 3549821; 1746667; 1681401; 1786960; 1537349; 1566210; 403175; 79; 85; 484781; 400094; 98; 102180; 87373; 80; 74618; 131185; 112638; 68; 72886; 37405; 197829; 79076; 43572; 36842; 112730; 180; 2287170; 168; 2716957; 198; 2167293; 2164496; 187; 174; 2928935; 2944688; 280; 279; 4929724; 4929571; 127471; 25134; 180167; 57856; 20932; 120670; 41593; 104040; 183183; 51134; 28422; 10231; 73877; 25025; 36121; 28545; 1684; 109935; 107946; 1216; 1093; 1234; 72277; 72491; 7762; 14612; 25490; 1035; 2; 106882; 106015; 60052; 93637; 112560; 469075; 74443; 102; 251512204; 81644; 17920; 6957635; 107735; 21654; 72845; 74531; 113783; 103400; 103662; 106289; 105769; 106669; 105621; 108670; 10181; 661; 672; 47126; 75966; 75455; 18907; 75851; 798; 8586; 35121; 860; 3572; 747; 785; 1160; 701; 644; 171179; 360383; 3565; 552; 30; 5014; 3774; 3725; 6778; 106920; 1624; 184337; 107066; 177627; 175212; 54910; 7990; 144774; 143982; 26533; 60582; 56871; 21180; 1147; 1064; 475; 455; 105740; 106034; 105785; 110333; 108138; 106377; 107415; 11250; 78736; 109479; 6593; 286421; 23037; 1191; 65725; 11602; 1300; 65; 2722; 89; 346; 339; 381; 364066; 242579; 363897; 237106; 1449; 1124; 82; 1161; 969; 1708; 1319; 235; 200; 1270; 996; 889; 717; 2077005; 1429906; 59; 348228; 64; 127063; 91535; 4589714; 4583531; 9234610; 224; 306558; 93; 16182657; 234; 207; 244; 295; 74; 297; 1661; 700; 201; 133; 1438; 265; 143; 14490; 2080; 4717; 232; 2023241; 206; 417; 9058104; 3859424; 2106390; 10191694; 27584; 1394143; 196; 348; 5499482; 1316354; 247; 1254; 15901800; 115219; 59938; 105030; 105227; 9399; 107379; 109600; 435; 104856; 104688; 104703; 21360; 1123; 897; 146495; 114519; 109711; 107111; 107316; 208298; 168420; 181704; 64121600; 123584; 6390; 3932; 18276; 110222; 276208; 105098; 72684; 150; 914112; 73157; 51; 254; 116317; 50218; 17945; 23; 2404; 20595; 1115; 13644; 27893; 17858; 264; 69187; 43828; 7553; 13589; 558; 3258; 269; 112748; 112479; 72627; 72648; 104951; 106609; 106213; 178264; 105957; 125107; 103404; 106735; 12; 89439; 709; 32379; 3001; 32440; 11459; 100928; 24379; 17808; 28944; 12140; 366; 372; 109842; 178764; 27341; 3351; 102894; 178284; 176007; 107852; 107975; 114389; 116610; 44760; 16178; 25246; 18491; 17892; 2897; 102686; 125094; 72475; 572; 10124914; 25057608; 654; 3180; 921; 380; 6618; 7919840; 546; 611; 15928115 |
Version | 2.0 |
Discipline | Humanities; Linguistics |