Arctic Indigenous Peoples languages and revitalization map


Dataset containing (5) GIS shapefiles which can be used to visualize a circumpolar overview map of geographical language speaker areas for Arctic Indigenous Peoples languages with additional attribute information about the languages. The language speaker areas show generally the maximum continuous areas where the Indigenous Peoples who spoke those languages lived in a historical context. The exact time range is defined specifically per region.

Data from the languages and dialects shapefile was used to make language family and language family branch shapefiles. There is also a separate shapefile with some examples of innovative language revitalization in the region. There is a supporting shapefile of Arctic places to assist when visualizing the data.

The 5 shapefiles can be used together or separately. All shapefiles are intended to be used as open resources for education and research. The shapefile for Languages and Dialects ( is an updated version 2 from August 30, 2024. Fixes in this version 1.1: 1. Language polygon for "Chilcotin"/"Tsilhqút'ín" included 2. 3 empty remnant attribute entries removed

ArcGIS ArcMap, 10.8.2

ArcGIS Pro, 3.1.0

Sources suggested by project members and external reviewers. See webpage for full acknowledgements:

The Arctic Indigenous languages and revitalization: an online educational resource project definition for Indigenous was guided by a factsheet produced by the UN Permanent Forum onIndigenous Issues, as well as by national regulatory definitions of the 8 Arctic States, and membership of one of the Arctic Council Permanent Participant organizations. The map scope extends from the North Pole to the 50th parallel, in order to display all languages spoken by members of the Permanent Participant organizations. The aim of the project was to broadly include as many languages as possible within this scope. No languages were excluded intentionally. If you discover that a language is missing which fits within the scope, please contact us.

The language speaker areas dataset and web map broadly demonstrate Arctic Indigenous languages that are actively spoken today as well as languages which are not actively transmitted to children, or which are considered sleeping. The language speaker areas show generally the maximum continuous areas where the Indigenous Peoples who spoke those languages lived in a historical context. The exact time range is defined specifically per region. The language speaker areas do not reflect modern-day fluency or migrations. The language area boundaries should not be considered to show the definitive homelands of these Peoples.

The borders between the languages are illustrative and may not be entirely precise. The project team recognizes that there is often overlap between languages or multilingualism, as well as areas that were not regularly used or visited around the time shown on the map, but these issues were not possible to investigate within the scope of the project. Languages are listed in their Indigenous self-names, in English, and in Russian. When possible regional dialects within some languages have also been included.

The language revitalization examples dataset and web map are intended to give an idea of the breadth of the work and variety of tools developed for language revitalization in the Arctic and Subarctic. This dataset should not be considered an exhaustive list of all work on language revitalization in the region. The point locations for revitalization examples are symbolic and may not correspond with the exact location of the initiatives.

All sources used to create languages and dialects shapefile also cited in sources column of shapefile.

Metadata Access
Creator Arctic Indigenous languages and revitalization: an online educational resource
Publisher DataverseNO
Contributor Nordström, Linnea; UiT The Arctic University of Norway; Alaska Native Language Center (University of Alaska Fairbanks); Aleut International Association; Aleutian Pribilof Islands Association, Inc.; Arctic Athabaskan Council; Elders Council of the Yukagir people; Giellagas Institute for Saami Studies (University of Oulu); Giellatekno centre for Saami language technology (UiT The Arctic University of Norway); University Library (UiT The Arctic University of Norway); Gwich'in Council International; Indigenous Peoples of the North of Republic of Sakha Yakutia; Institute for Humanitarian Research and Problems of Indigenous Peoples of the North (Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science); Institute of the Peoples of the North (Herzen State Pedagogical University); Inuit Circumpolar Council; Nord University; Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated (NTI); Oqaasileriffik - The Language Secretariat of Greenland; Russian Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North (RAIPON); Sámi University of Applied Sciences; UNESCO Department (M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University); University of Saskatchewan; Alexander, Edward; Alexander, Sam; Anderson, Darling Joy – Chngatux̂; Aprosimov, Kolya; Brandt Johansen, Arnaq; Chuprina, Elena; Degteva, Anna; Erasmus, Chief Bill; Fedorovna Degteva, Zhanna; Susanne Kvernmo Gaup, Lena; Hagan, Erlend; Harrison, Chief Gary; Heilmann, Beatrine; Kochuten, Nadine; Kolberg, Asbjørn; Kotierk, Aluki; Kovrova, Sardana; Kristensen, Tikaajaat; Kristiansen, Linda; Langgård, Per; Langgård, Karen; Lekanoff-Gregory, Okalena Patricia; Lovick, Olga; Mack, Liza; Magga, Rosa-Máren; Merritt, Ivaluarjuk; Morén-Duolljá, Bruce Timothy; Morottaja, Petter; L. Mukhin, Andrey; Nikolaeva, Olga; Olsen, Tukumminnguaq; Peter, Hishinlai'; Petrov, Valentin; Petukhov, Artem; Pogodaev, Mikhail; Popova, Lena; Protopova, Sargylana; Sangi, Denis; Semenova, Olga; Shadrin, Vyacheslav; Shaginoff, Kari; Shaginoff-Stuart, Sondra; Shelokhovskaya, Larisa; Sofronov, Pavel; Dmitrievich Starkov, Dmitry; Stickman, Chief Michael; Tadyrova, Arina; Taian (alt. Tayan), Luibov; Tonkopeeva, Marina; Trosterud, Trond; Tuttle, Siri; Uniuqsaraq, Eelai; Unru, Sofia; Veldstra, Jessica; Vinokirova, Antonina; Westerlund, Minetta; Winsnes Johansen, Tonje Margrete; Zakharov, Moisei; Zakharova, Ilana; Zhjzhikova, Svetlana; Zhozhikov, Anatoly; Aralova, Natalia; Belew, Anna; Brattland, Camilla; Cox, Christopher; DiCandeloro, John; Dick, Hammond; Dickson, Cindy; Dorais, Louis-Jacques; Drozdova, Valeria; Ellett von Brasch, Thomas; Etchinelle, Chief David; Etchinelle, Theresa; Grenoble, Lenore; Heerema (nee Grimsrud), Sabrina; Ilialetdinov, Andrei; Joe, Chief Barb; Khanina, Olesya; Kochon, Judy; V. Korotkih, Grigoriy; Krupnik, Igor; Fannar Lárusson, Kári; Matthewson, Lisa; Mellum, Roy; Nagovitsyna, Irina; Norwegian, Andy; Pakendorf, Brigitte; Paulette, Francois; Peemot, Victoria; Vsevolodovna Perekhvalskaya, Elena; Pouplier, Peter; Rantanen, Timo; Rice, Keren; Rießler, Michael; Riopel, Simon; Roose, Meeli; Rønning, Kaja; Sablin, Ivan; Scheller, Elisabeth; Ivanovich Shadrin, Vyacheslav; Similä, Enni; Smellie, Janet; Sunberg, Mary Rose; Vesakoski, Outi; Wilbur, Joshua; Wilson, Cameron; Yakeleya, Lucy Anne; Aarnio, Timo; The Tromsø Repository of Language and Linguistics (TROLLing)
Publication Year 2023
Funding Reference University of the Arctic (UArctic) ; UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Contact Nordström, Linnea (UiT The Arctic University of Norway)
Resource Type Spatial data; Dataset
Format text/plain; application/zip
Size 45895; 1506523; 1589277; 1496799; 6276; 34171
Version 2.0
Discipline Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture; Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture and Veterinary Medicine; Humanities; Life Sciences; Social Sciences; Social and Behavioural Sciences; Soil Sciences
Spatial Coverage Online