Bonner Durchmusterung

The Bonner Durchmusterung (BD, Argelander 1859-62, Kuestner 1903, Becker 1951, Schmidt 1968) is a visual survey of stars in the declination zones +89 to -01 degrees. The goal of the survey was to obtain a position and estimated visual magnitude for every star visible with the 78-mm Bonn telescope. Actual magnitude estimates were made and reported to 0.1 mag for all stars down to 9.5 mag, with fainter stars being assigned to 9.5. Positions are given to the nearest 0.1 sec in right ascension and 0.1 arcmin in declination. Introduction: The Bonner Durchmusterung (BD, Argelander 1859-62, Kuestner 1903, Becker 1951, Schmidt 1968) is a visual survey of stars in the declination zones +89 to -01 degrees performed by allowing the telescope to drift along the mean declination of each zone and recording the positions and magnitudes of stars crossing the transit line of each field. Actual magnitude estimates were made and reported to 0.1 mag for all stars down to 9.5 mag, with fainter stars being assigned to 9.5. The BD actually contains a rather large number of stars fainter than 10.0 mag. Positions are given to the nearest 0.1 sec in right ascension and 0.1 arcmin in declination. The catalog includes all corrigenda published in the original BD volumes have been incorporated into the machine file, along with changes published by Kuestner and Sticker following the 1903 edition. In addition, stars indicated to be "missing" in published lists and verified by various techniques are flagged so that they can be omitted from computer plotted charts if desired. Stars deleted in the various errata lists have been similarly flagged, while those with revised data are flagged and listed in a separate table. No other corrections or changes have been incorporated into the original data, e.g., from more modern positions and magnitudes or from comparison with other catalogs. The original document (adc.doc) contains substantial additional information.

Cone search capability for table I/122/bd (The Bonner Durchmusterung catalog)

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Metadata Access
Creator Argelander F. W. A.
Publisher CDS
Publication Year 2003
OpenAccess true
Contact CDS support team <cds-question(at)>
Resource Type Dataset; AstroObjects
Discipline Astrophysics and Astronomy; Natural Sciences; Observational Astronomy; Physics