Port of Antwerp, 1900-2000


The database contains time-series on maritime (sea-borne) and continental (hinterland) througput in the port of Antwerp. Also, data on shipping movements, infrastructure and superstructure of the Antwerp port have been included. The database was composed in the framework of a Ph.D. on functional shifts in the port of Antwerp. Website where data set is available: http://www.econ.kuleuven.ac.be/ew/academic/econhist/ [not accessible, 13-11-2019]

DOI https://doi.org/10.17026/dans-zje-568n
Metadata Access https://ssh.datastations.nl/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_datacite&identifier=doi:10.17026/dans-zje-568n
Creator R. Loyen, Center for Economic Studies, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Publisher DANS Data Station Social Sciences and Humanities
Contributor User Social Sciences
Publication Year 2012
Rights DANS Licence; info:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccess; https://doi.org/10.17026/fp39-0x58
OpenAccess false
Contact User Social Sciences (DANS)
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/plain; application/x-msaccess; text/csv; text/html; text/xml; application/octet-stream; application/zip; application/pdf; application/msword
Size 226868; 3420160; 114598; 83460; 79447; 17174; 1050; 4849; 22972; 8021; 301341; 52536; 46619; 191651; 50041; 83729; 47701; 150383; 43793; 117454; 17149; 97353; 19973; 62213; 6118; 3324; 5792; 3389; 2307; 3209; 5838; 2960; 1683; 2669; 5395; 13039; 168118; 2550; 271844; 2856960; 97451; 271286; 677; 254918; 175427; 353234; 1675; 19539; 298338; 92836; 3872; 4094; 364573; 76825; 8270; 148486
Version 2.0
Discipline Economics; History; Humanities; Social and Behavioural Sciences