This survey was undertaken in 1988 to gather data on the socio-economic situation of the members of four main ethnic minority groups in the Netherlands: Turks, Moroccans, Surinamese and Antileans and compare them with a native Dutch sample. The main part of the data (P1234A) was obtained by interviewing male or female heads of family with a household questionnaire. Relevant household members were asked to fill out small separate questionnaires on education, housing situation and occupation and income. Themes: main reason for migration / detailed data on employment now and in the past / courses and training to further career / opportunities for career compared with native Dutch / job seeking behaviour / unemployment / job preference if unemployed / educational career both in the Netherlands and country of origin / duration of education / age of finishing education / housing situation: type of house, ownership, amounts paid for rent or mortgage / rent subsidy / satisfaction with housing situation / looking for alternative housing / preferred characteristics of alternative housing / activities in order to find new house / perceived reasons for not finding / social contacts with Dutch people / membership of Dutch sports clubs or civic organizations / degree of command of the Dutch language / Dutch media exposure / remigration: preference, expectations / household data: background data of household members are stored in file P1234B / financial dependency of household members / income / educational assistance for schoolchildren belonging to family ( helping with homework ) / contacts with school / motivation for choice regarding type of education for sons and daughters / use of services: family care centres / day nursery / child care centres / public library / legal aid bureaus / ethnic self-orientation / planned visit to country of origin. Themes of P1234B: background data / education / housing / educational career / income and employment of members belonging to the household of respondents in P1234A. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ housing situation/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ readership, mass media, and 'cultural' exposure/ organizational membership