

The dataset Hyytiala08_10aerosol contains results of routine measurements of atmospheric aerosols carried on in a well equipped boreal research station during 3 years. The particle size range from 3 nm to 15μm is split into 60 fractions and the records of distribution function are presented for 21682 hours of measurements. The dataset provides scientists with a tool for exploring the structure and dynamics of atmospheric aerosol size distribution. Additionally, it can serve as a basis for data analysis exercises for students in field of environmental sciences.

The dataset includes three files:

Data_Hyytiala08_10aerosol.xls – a spreadsheet, which contains 60 columns of values of the particle size distribution function and 30 columns of complementary variables.

Description_Hyytiala08_10aerosol.pdf – detailed description of origin and structure the data. Additionally includes sample diagrams, which illustrate the data and may provoke new ideas for studies on atmospheric aerosol.

Package_Hyytiala08_10aerosol.zip – a compressed package, which contains both the data file and the description file. The package is to be downloaded to a personal computer, unzipped and used offline.

DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.15155/repo-3
Metadata Access https://datadoi.ee/oai/request?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_dc&identifier=oai:datadoi.ee:33/48
Creator Kulmala, Markku; Tammet, Hannes
Publisher Tartu Ülikool
Contributor University of Tartu, Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences, Department of Geography; University of Tartu, Institute of Physics; Tartu Observatory
Publication Year 2017
Rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Contact Tartu Ülikool
Language English
Resource Type info:eu-repo/semantics/dataset; Text
Format application/pdf; application/vnd.ms-excel; application/octet-stream
Discipline Other