The repository contains additional materials for the PhD thesis: "Müller, Tim M. (2022): Algorithmisch gestützte Planung dezentraler Fluidsysteme".
For each relevant figure in the thesis, a digital version of this figure is provided as a . json file. These are stored in the data repository and are publicly available for viewing. From the thesis, this material is referenced. The description of these digital figures is self-explanatory along with the written version of the thesis. From the digital images, reference is made to further material under the attribute "FurtherRessources". This contains further, more detailed information. The material is divided into the use case pressure booster stations (corresponds to and cooling cycle (corresponds to This is available on request. The reference in the digital image indicates the exact location of the relevant files within these zip archives. It also indicates how to handle these files. Further information on the use of the "Further Resources" is provided in additional ReadMe files within the zip archives. No guarantee is given for the correctness and consistency with the data of the written version, but the data has been prepared to the best of my knowledge and with great care.