Ülevaate raport olemasolevatest regulaarselt töötavatest kalibreerimise ja valideerimise mõõtejaamadest ja võrgustikest Euroopas ja mujal maailmas. Raportis kirjeldatakse valitud jaamasid ja võrgustikke – üldine informatsioon, andmehaldus, määramatus, arendustegevus, mõõdetavad suurused.
This document aims to map different existing ground-based and air-borne instrumented Cal/Val sites and
networks acquiring measurements in a systematic manner, in Europe and worldwide. It does not include all
available Cal/Val networks but only those that we interviewed or had enough information available online
to include in this report. To meet the needs of satellite Cal/Val, measurements one must adhere to the
definition for a Fiducial Reference Measurement (FRM)(Giuseppe Zibordi et al. 2014) and to the principles
of the Quality Assurance framework for Earth Observation (QA4EO 2010).