Follow-up observations of SNIa ASASSN-14lp


On 2014 December 9.61, the All-sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN or "Assassin") discovered ASASSN-14lp just ~2 days after first light using a global array of 14cm diameter telescopes. ASASSN-14lp went on to become a bright supernova (V=11.94mag), second only to SN 2014J for the year. We present prediscovery photometry (with a detection less than a day after first light) and ultraviolet through near-infrared photometric and spectroscopic data covering the rise and fall of ASASSN-14lp for more than 100 days. We find that ASASSN-14lp had a broad light curve ({Delta}m_15_(B)=0.80+/-0.05), a B-band maximum at 2457015.82+/-0.03, a rise time of 16.94_-0.10_^+0.11^days, and moderate host-galaxy extinction (E(B-V)host=0.33+/-0.06). Using ASASSN-14lp, we derive a distance modulus for NGC 4666 of {mu}=30.8+/-0.2, corresponding to a distance of 14.7+/-1.5Mpc. However, adding ASASSN-14lp to the calibrating sample of Type Ia supernovae still requires an independent distance to the host galaxy. Finally, using our early-time photometric and spectroscopic observations, we rule out red giant secondaries and, assuming a favorable viewing angle and explosion time, any nondegenerate companion larger than 0.34R_{sun}_.

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Metadata Access
Creator Shappee B.J.; Piro A.L.; Holoien T.-S.; Prieto J.L.; Contreras C.,Itagaki K.; Burns C.R.; Kochanek C.S.; Stanek K.Z.; Alper E.; Basu U.,Beacom J.F.; Bersier D.; Brimacombe J.; Conseil E.; Danilet A.B.; Dong S.,Falco E.; Grupe D.; Hsiao E.Y.; Kiyota S.; Morrell N.; Nicolas J.,Phillips M.M.; Pojmanski G.; Simonian G.; Stritzinger M.; Szczygiel D.M.,Taddia F.; Thompson T.A.; Thorstensen J.; Wagner M.R.; Wozniak P.R.
Publisher CDS
Publication Year 2016
OpenAccess true
Contact CDS support team <cds-question(at)>
Resource Type Dataset; AstroObjects
Discipline Astrophysics and Astronomy; Interdisciplinary Astronomy; Natural Sciences; Observational Astronomy; Physics; Stellar Astronomy