ISIS-Fish Database: Life History and Spatial Distribution of Sole, Megrim, Anglerfish, Thornback Skate, and Cuckoo Skate Populations in the Bay of Biscay


In the context of the MACCO project (, we have developed an ISIS-Fish database with the objective of describing the spatial and monthly life cycle of 7 fish species of commercial interest in the mixed demersal fishery in the Bay of Biscay. In the case of megrim, cuckoo skate, thornback skate, anglerfish and sole, the population dynamics have been described in detail, both by age class and by global model. In addition, the distribution areas of these species according to their life stage have been mapped and included in the database. The settings of Hake and nephrops population dynamics are derived from a previous model (Seanoe The database is accompanied by all the data and information necessary for the reproduction of the results and the assessment of the variability of the system. The biological parameters of each species are presented in summary species sheets with references, and in Excel files that contain all the variability observed in the literature and in the sea survey data.  Our mapping work allow an appreciation of the variability between months and years, as illustrated through commented exploratory reports. At the end, the ISIS-Fish database is accompanied by a simulation and a technical validation report, which demonstrate the efficacy of the modelling process as parameterized. The data project includes 1) the ISIS-Fish database and all the ISIS-Fish files required to re-run the simulation of the 7 populations dynamics, 2) the species sheets for megrim, cuckoo skate, thornback skate, anglerfish and sole and 3) the R scripts to reproduce maps of the 5 species. All the data are reproductible using isis-fish- ( and R 4.3.2.

Metadata Access
Creator Vajas, Pablo; Ricouard, Antoine; Lecomte, Jean Baptiste; Brind'Amour, Anik; Laffargue, Pascal; Mahevas, Stephanie
Publisher SEANOE
Publication Year 2024
Rights CC-BY-NC-SA
OpenAccess true
Contact SEANOE
Resource Type Dataset
Discipline Marine Science