The cartels involved a total of 593 firms at the dates of breakdown. Data was collected on all mergers, acquisitions and joint ventures between former cartelists from the same cartel. The sources were: (i) companies websites, in particular annual reports, press releases, investor information, company timelines/histories, etc.; (ii) merger decisions documents published by the European Commission; (iii) National Competition Authorities (CA); and (iv) business and financial websites (e.g. Bloomberg, etc.).The ESRC Centre for Competition Policy (CCP) at the University of East Anglia (UEA) undertakes interdisciplinary research into competition policy and regulation that has real-world policy relevance without compromising academic rigour. It prides itself on the interdisciplinary nature of the research and the members are drawn from a range of disciplines, including economics, law, business and political science. The Centre was established in September 2004, building on the pre-existing Centre for Competition and Regulation (CCR), with a grant from the ESRC (Economic and Social Research Council). It currently boasts a total of 26 faculty members (including the Director and a Political Science Mentor), 4 full- and part-time researchers and 23 PhD students.
Text analysis