D4.9: Service Uptake within Communities (final)


Deliverable D4.9 reports on the progress over the final year with respect to the uptake of EUDAT services by the research communities associated with EUDAT and on the work done on determining the requirements of those communities in relation to service building, service extensions and service provisioning that have been extracted from the research community service uptake plans and the Data Pilot proposals. D4.9 builds on the reporting done earlier in D4.6 about the administrative process of requirements extraction and analysis. D4.9 is the final update of this series (D4.3, D4.6) and therefore also presents conclusions about the EUDAT project2020 fulfilling expectations of the communities with respect to data management service provisioning

DOI https://doi.org/10.23728/b2share.26bf989c4e5c48cea4a6da2d28ff4354
Source https://b2share.eudat.eu/records/26bf989c4e5c48cea4a6da2d28ff4354
Metadata Access https://b2share.eudat.eu/api/oai2d?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=eudatcore&identifier=oai:b2share.eudat.eu:b2rec/26bf989c4e5c48cea4a6da2d28ff4354
Creator Broeder, Daan; Testi, Debora
Publisher EUDAT B2SHARE; https://b2share.eudat.eu
Contributor Peter Danecek (EPOS); Dieter van Uytvanck (CLARIN); Hannes Thiemann (ENES); Johannes Peterseil (LTER); Steven Newhouse (ELIXIR); Margareta Hellstrom (ICOS); Alberto Michelini (EPOS)
Publication Year 2018
Rights Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY); info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Language English
Resource Type Text
Format pdf
Size 2.4 MB; 1 file
Version v1.0
Discipline Other