We present MIPS 24um observations of the Hubble Deep Field South taken with the Spitzer Space Telescope. The resulting image is 254arcmin^2^ in size and has a sensitivity ranging between ~12 and ~30uJy rms, with a median sensitivity of ~20uJy rms. A total of 495 sources have been catalogued with a signal-to-noise ratio greater than 5{sigma}. The source catalog is presented as well as source counts which have been corrected for completeness and flux boosting. The IR sources are then combined with MUSYC optical/NIR and ATHDFS radio observations to obtain redshifts and radio flux densities of the sample. We use the IR/radio flux density ratio (q_24_) to explore the IR-radio correlation for this IR sample and find q_24_=0.71+/-0.31 for sources detected in both IR and radio. The results are extended by stacking IR sources not detected in the radio observations and we derive an average q_24_ for redshift bins between 01.
Cone search capability for table J/ApJ/723/1110/table1 (The MIPS 24{mu}m catalog)
Cone search capability for table J/ApJ/723/1110/table4 (Summary of radio Sources that have no MIPS 24um counterpart and hence are candidate infrared-faint radio sources)