This dataset contains data of 125 1-hour simulations of ship motion during various sea states performing random maneuvers in 4 degrees of freedom (surge-sway-yaw-roll). The original ship is a patrol ship developed by Perez et al. [1]. We have extended it with a set of two symmetrically placed rudder propellers. Additionally, we simulate wind forces according to Isherwood's wind model [2]. Wind-induced waves are generated with the JONSWAP spectrum [3] and the corresponding wave forces are then computed using wave force response amplitude operators (ROA).
Implementations of the ship model, Isherwood's wave model, wave force ROAs and the JONSWAP spectrum can be found in the Marine Systems Simulator toolbox by Fossen and Perez [4].
The dataset is split into a routine operation set (96 hours) and into an Out-Of-Distribution (OOD) set (29 hours). The routine operation set is split into train-validation-test with a 60-10-30 split, while the OOD set is used solely for testing.
The dataset is used for the evaluation of nonlinear system identification methods for multi-step predictions. The following inputs and outputs are considered for the identification problem. Inputs are the shaft speeds of both propellers, their azimut angles, and wind speed. Measured states or outputs are surge velocity, sway velocity, roll rate, yaw rate and roll angle, as well as the wind angle of attack.
Please see the README.txt file for details regarding the file structure of this dataset and a description of the variables in the .tab files.
This research is funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under Germany's Excellence Strategy - EXC 2075 - 390740016. We acknowledge the support by the Stuttgart Center for Simulation Science (SimTech).
[1] T. Perez, A. Ross, and T. I. Fossen, “A 4-DOF SIMULINK model of a
coastal patrol vessel for manoeuvring in waves,” in IFAC MCMC, 2006.
[2] R. M. Isherwood, “Wind resistance of merchant ships,” The Royal
Institution of Naval Architects, 1972.
[3] K. Hasselmann, T. Barnett, E. Bouws, H. Carlson, D. Cartwright, K. Enke,
J. Ewing, H. Gienapp, D. Hasselmann, P. Kruseman, A. Meerburg,
P. Muller, D. Olbers, K. Richter, W. Sell, and H. Walden, “Measurements
of wind-wave growth and swell decay during the joint north sea wave
project (JONSWAP),” Deut. Hydrogr. Z., vol. 8, pp. 1-95, 01 1973.
[4] T. I. Fossen and T. Perez, “Marine Systems Simulator (MSS),”, 2004, last accessed: 2022-06-14.