H{alpha} and [OIII] narrow-band, wide-field (7x7deg^2^), CCD images of the Small Magellanic Cloud were compared, and a catalogue of candidate planetary nebulae and H{alpha} emission-line stars was compiled. The catalogue contains 131 planetary nebulae candidates, 23 of which are already known to be or are probable planetary nebulae or very low excitation objects. Also, 218 emission-line candidates have been identified, with 113 already known. Our catalogue therefore provides a useful supplement to those of Meyssonnier & Azzopardi (1993, Cat. ) and Sanduleak, MacConnell & Davis Phillip (1978PASP...90..621S). Further observations are required to confirm the identity of the unknown objects.
Cone search capability for table J/MNRAS/311/741/table1 (Catalogue of objects with accurate positions (+/-12 arcsec). Unless otherwise stated in the description, all objects are candidates for PN.)
Cone search capability for table J/MNRAS/311/741/table2 (Objects that only had an estimated pixel number assigned to them (i.e. no Gaussian fit was performed in position finding). A 15arcsec error (~3{sigma}) in position should be allowed for these objects unless otherwise marked.)