Altogether 86 objects discovered in the the period 1991-1994 have been accepted by the author as new PN (Table 1). In appendices A and B to this table the lists of possible pre-PN as well as possible post-PN, respectively, are given. Table 2 presents 56 misclassified objects which we suggest removing from CGPN.
Cone search capability for table J/AN/318/35/prepn (Possible pre-planetary nebulae (1991-1994))
Cone search capability for table J/AN/318/35/newpn (New planetary nebulae (1991-1994))
Cone search capability for table J/AN/318/35/notpn (Misclassified planetary nebulae (1991-1994))
Cone search capability for table J/AN/318/35/postpn (Possible post-planetary nebulae (1991-1994))