Cultural education and cultural participation. Visiting historical places and museums / type of visited museum / frequency of visiting museums / name of museum respondent visited in Amsterdam / age at which respondent visited a museum for the first time / visits to museums during primary school period / being informed during primary school period about art and artists / interest in art in general / watching tv programs about art / reading reviews about exhibitions / collection of art books with reproductions / attitude towards modern art / preferred type of music / extent of record collection and type of record collection / frequency of going to a concert / type of concert respondent attended and in which type of institute, and names of institutes in Amsterdam / attending performances of classical music, opera, light opera and ballet / whether respondent went to performances during primary school period / whether at primary school period attention was paid to classical music / name of school respondent attended in Amsterdam between 10 and 12 years / whether respondent attended and remembers the special 'listening-to-music' lessons at the primary school and their influence on respondent / importance of music education at school / whether respondent participated in and remembers visits to museums organized by primary school staff and their influence on respondent / importance of art education at school / cultural activities at secondary school and respondents participation in it, like school choir, school orchestra, schoolband, acting lessons, art lessons like painting and drawing, film-photography lessons, excursions to concerts, theatre, museums, performances at school by writers and poets / participation in cultural activities not organized at secondary school, and after the secondary school period / playing a musical instrument and type of instrument / singing in a choir and type of choir / cultural activities of parents / book and record collection of parents / speaking of foreign languages by parents / whether in parental home musical instruments were played / cultural activities of brothers and sisters. Background variables: basic characteristics / residence / household characteristics / occupation / employment / education