The method of approach is a cumulative case study from 2003 onwards of a select number of information products and services provided by GreyNet. Each were introduced to serve the interests of the grey literature community and their production and supply remain sustained. The first step in the study provides a brief description of GreyNet’s types of stakeholders and the nine selected resources intended to serve the grey literature community. Available statistics and data corresponding to the resources are also incorporated here. The second step is the design and implementation of an online survey among GreyNet stakeholders in an effort to determine their involvement. And, in the third and final step an analysis is carried out as to the observed uses of the information resources in step one with the results of the survey conducted among GreyNet stakeholders in step two.
The file 'SURVEY RESULTS LEVERAGING.pdf' has been added June 1st, 2018.
Research in advance of the Seventeenth International Conference on Grey Literature held at the KNAW in Amsterdam on December 1-2, 2015
The GL17-S4P-Farace et al.pdf and GL17 Farace et al.xlsx file are supplied by GreyNet. Each tab/sheet of the GL17 Farace et al.xlsx file is also uploaded as a pdf file by DANS. The name of these files begin with GL17 Farace et al_tab.