LIGO (0.02 %3C z %3C 0.03, 40 to 80 Mpc) survey collection

The initial discovery of LIGO on 14 September 2015 was the in-spiral merger and ring-down of the black hole binary at a distance of about 500 Mpc or a redshift of about 0.1. The search for electromagnetic counterparts for the in-spiral of binary black holes is impeded by poor initial source localizations and a lack of a compelling model for the counterpart; therefore, rapid electromagnetic follow-up is required to understand the astrophysical context of these sources. Because astrophysical sources of gravitational radiation are likely to reside in galaxies, it would make sense to search rst in regions where the LIGO-Virgo probability is large and where the density of galaxies is large as well. Under the Bayesian prior assumption that the probability of a gravitational-wave event from a given region of space is proportional to the density of galaxies within the probed volume, one can calculate an improved localization of the position of the source simply by multiplying the LIGO-Virgo skymap by the density of galaxies in the range of redshifts. We propose using the 2-MASS Photometric Redshift Galaxy Catalogue for this purpose and demonstrate that using it can dramatically reduce the search region for electromagnetic counterparts. Original acknowledgement for data: The software and galaxy maps used in this paper is available at . We used the VizieR Service, the NASA ADS service, the Super-COSMOS Science Archive, the NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive, the HEALPy libraries and

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Metadata Access
Creator Buga M.
Publisher CDS
Publication Year 2016
Rights This HiPS is distributed under ODbL license by Unistra/CNRS;
OpenAccess true
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Resource Type Dataset; AstroObjects
Discipline Astrophysics and Astronomy; Natural Sciences; Observational Astronomy; Physics
Temporal Coverage 1997-06-01T00:00:00Z 2001-02-01T00:00:00Z