Tekstuitgave van de Bredase necrologia en obituaria. Begijnhof (1353) ca. 1500-1626, Norbertinessenklooster Sint-Catharinadal (1271-1960). Grote of OLV kerk: kanunniken en kapelanen (1303-1580)


De obituaria en necrologia die voor Breda bewaard zijn gebleven zijn sterk met elkaar verweven. Dezelfde personen werden vaak in verschillende registers opgenomen. Vooral het jaargetijdenregister van het begijnhof en de registers voor de Grote- of OLV-kerk zijn sterk met elkaar verbonden. Oorzaak hiervan was dat de begijnen een deel van de memories afwerkten in de Grote kerk. Vanwege de verwevenheid is besloten deze registers met elkaar en geïntegreerd uit te geven.Text edition of all medieval obituaries and necrologia of the city of Breda. These registers were kept to administrate the names of deceased persons and the prayers and masses to be done. They are mainly in the form of a calendar.The registers are strongly connected and the same persons appear in the different books. This is very certain for the obituaries of the beguines and the church of Our Lady in Breda. The beguines visited the graves of some persons in this church to perform rituals around the graves. Because of these connections the decision was made to edit these registers together with one name index.

This dataset archives the website 'Tekstuitgave van de Bredase necrologia en obituaria', authored by Frans Gooskens. To view the website, download all htm files to a map on your computer and open the page ‘index.htm’ in your browser.Additional data and metadata have been uploaded on October 2018.

DOI https://doi.org/10.17026/dans-zqb-rszy
Metadata Access https://ssh.datastations.nl/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_datacite&identifier=doi:10.17026/dans-zqb-rszy
Creator F.A. Gooskens
Publisher DANS Data Station Social Sciences and Humanities
Contributor F.A. gooskens
Publication Year 2013
Rights CC0 1.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess; http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0
OpenAccess true
Contact F.A. gooskens (Nederlands Normalisatie-instituut (NEN))
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/plain; text/html; image/gif; image/jpeg; application/zip; application/pdf
Size 139; 19863; 75089; 1412; 1589; 4192; 5495; 5435; 10351; 9010; 1934; 3371; 6912; 2383; 1004; 7851; 1418; 22864; 86933; 46708; 1148; 86966; 13724; 109688; 15217; 2937; 848; 1658; 1520; 47762; 70446; 32067; 10449; 98296; 67428; 101194; 51208; 3801; 59064; 7071; 22312; 10219; 6761; 20438; 7750; 21829; 17101; 3173; 2001; 707; 634; 77322; 34111; 54123; 37333; 43684; 42883; 16867; 79185; 35397; 130930; 59434; 15436; 3737; 1788; 17142; 5725; 4953; 29321; 24970; 32345; 29130; 21919; 22278; 21657; 21902; 27789; 29835; 24055; 22445; 49121; 52857; 8292738; 25009; 36486; 347; 3906; 2639; 7545; 7294; 6525; 1014; 610; 52769; 24299; 34513; 6925; 17349; 47104; 118144; 32860; 65862; 26385; 16093; 16548; 55550; 19559; 9013; 3684; 26095; 33121; 5066; 6298; 27552; 22821; 27885; 19111; 13075; 15504; 355; 23880; 45704; 13170; 1420; 16339; 19550; 1237; 39506; 135400; 25623; 32128; 4784
Version 2.0
Discipline History; Humanities