CI Cyg BVRcIc light curves

In this paper, we discuss the early phases of the ongoing outburst that CI Cyg, a prototype symbiotic star, is currently undergoing after 30-year quiescence. We have tightly monitored CI Cyg in B V R_C_ I_C_ bands, starting a whole year before the onset of the outburst, and in addition we obtained numerous Echelle high- and low-resolution absolutely flux-calibrated spectra. The outburst started while the accreting white dwarf (WD) was being eclipsed by the Roche lobe filling M giant companion, and it was discovered during the egress phase on the second half of 2008 August. The system reached peak V-band brightness in early 2008 October and has been characterized by amplitudes {delta}B=1.9, {delta}V=1.5, {delta}R_C_=0.9, {delta}I_C_=0.4mag. At maximum V-band brightness, the outbursting WD had expanded to closely resemble an F3 II/Ib star, with MV=-3.5, Teff~6900K and R=28R_{sun}. The high-ionization emission lines ([NeV], [FeVII], HeII) disappeared and only lower ionization lines were visible. Balmer and He I emission lines declined in equivalent width but increased in absolute flux. The output radiated by the hot component during the outburst corresponds to nuclear burning proceeding at a 2x10^-8^M{sun}_/yr rate.

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Creator Siviero A.; Munari U.; Dallaporta S.; Valisa P.; Luppi V.; Moretti S.,Tomaselli S.; Bacci S.; Ballardini F.; Cherini G.; Graziani M.; Frigo A.,Vagnozzi A.
Publisher CDS
Publication Year 2011
OpenAccess true
Contact CDS support team <cds-question(at)>
Resource Type Dataset; AstroObjects
Discipline Astrophysics and Astronomy; Natural Sciences; Observational Astronomy; Physics; Stellar Astronomy