Gas mass spectrometry of gas samples from the KTB Main Hole HB1


The main objective of this drilling fluid analysis was the detection of inflows of formation fluids. Therefore different gases dissolved in the drilling mud were measured continuously and automatically at drill site with three different methods (Fig.: KTB-Report 92-2 page C13). The operation principles of the mass spectrometer and the gaschromatograph have been explained by STROH et al. (1988) and FIGGEMEIER et al. (1991). The principle of radon determination is published by ERZINGER et al. (1992). In the complete KTB-VB and in in the KTB-HB down to a depth of 3003 m the gas phase was released and collected by twirl degassers attached in front of the mud shakers. This open system led to gas losses as well as air contamination. Therefore results obtained down to this depth have only qualitative character. After casing the KTB-HB to a depth of 3003 m a bypass system was installed at the BOP (blow-out preventer) 50 cm below the flow line.

Related Identifier
Metadata Access
Creator Kamm, H; Machon, L; Donner, S
Publisher Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ
Publication Year 2004
OpenAccess true
Language English
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values
Size 44648 DataPoints
Discipline Scientific drilling
Spatial Coverage (12.192 LON, 49.588 LAT)