Star formation in Milky Way analogues

The Milky Way has been described as an anaemic spiral, but is its star formation rate (SFR) unusually low when compared to its peers? To answer this question, we define a sample of Milky Way analogues (MWAs) based on stringent cuts on the best literature estimates of non-transient structural features for the Milky Way. This selection yields only 176 galaxies from the whole of the SDSS DR7 spectroscopic sample which have morphological classifications in Galaxy Zoo 2, from which we infer SFRs from two separate indicators. The mean SFRs found are log(SFR_SED_/M_{sun}yr^-1^)=0.53 with a standard deviation of 0.23dex from SED fits, and log(SFR_W4/M_{sun}yr^-1^)=0.68 with a standard deviation of 0.41dex from a mid-infrared calibration. The most recent estimate for the Milky Way's SFR of log(SFR_MW/M_{sun}_yr^-1^)=0.22 fits well within 2{sigma} of these values, where {sigma} is the standard deviation of each of the SFR indicator distributions. We infer that the Milky Way, while being a galaxy with a somewhat low SFR, is not unusual when compared to similar galaxies.

Cone search capability for table J/MNRAS/489/5030/table1 (Table of the MWAs and their derived SFRs from this work)

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Creator Fraser-McKelvie A.; Merrifield M.; Aragon-Salamanca A.
Publisher CDS
Publication Year 2023
OpenAccess true
Contact CDS support team <cds-question(at)>
Resource Type Dataset; AstroObjects
Discipline Astrophysics and Astronomy; Galactic and extragalactic Astronomy; Interdisciplinary Astronomy; Natural Sciences; Observational Astronomy; Physics