Strontium measurements and sea surface temperatures of corals from Xisha Island, South China Sea


A Porites coral collected from Xisha Island, South China Sea, represents a skeleton secreted in the period from 1906 to 1994. The Sr contents of the coral vary linearly with the instrument-measured sea-surface temperature (SST), giving a Sr thermometer: SST = -1.9658 x Sr + 193.26. The reconstructed SST data show that the late 20th century was warmer (about 1°C) than the early 20th century and that two cooling (1915/1916 and 1947/1948) and three warming (1935/1936, 1960/1961, and 1976/1977) shifts occurred in the century. The temperature shifts are more pronounced for winters, implying a close effect of the west Pacific warm pool and Asian monsoon and suggesting that the former is a primary force controlling the climatic system of the region. Results of this study and previously published data indicate a close link of temperature shifts between the boreal summer and the austral winter or the boreal winter and the austral summer. The annual SST anomalies in the South China Sea and the South Pacific reveal the existence of harmonic but opposite SST variations between the two regions. On the decadal scale the comparative annual SST anomalies for the South China Sea and for the equatorial west Pacific show a similarity in temperature variations, implying that the South China Sea climate is coherent with climatic regime of the tropical west Pacific.

Supplement to: Sun, Yali; Sun, Min; Wei, Gangjian; Lee, Typhoon; Nie, Baofu; Yu, Zhiwei (2004): Strontium contents of a Porites coral from Xisha Island, South China Sea: A proxy for sea-surface temperature of the 20th century. Paleoceanography, 19, PA2004

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Metadata Access
Creator Sun, Yali; Sun, Min ORCID logo; Wei, Gangjian ORCID logo; Lee, Typhoon; Nie, Baofu; Yu, Zhiwei
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 2004
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Supplementary Dataset; Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values
Size 3183 data points
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (112.250 LON, 16.500 LAT); China Sea