Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.
An examination of the leisure lives and general lifestyles of adolescents. A continuing longitudinal study is planned with further cross-sectional surveys in 1989 and 1991. Survey work is complemented by qualitative data (not currently included in this dataset) derived from a national interview panel of approximately 250 young people.
Main Topics:
Variables Participation rates (including frequency) in sport and leisure activities; attitudes towards sport and leisure, leisure-time associations and groupings. Knowledge of healthy behaviours, attitudes towards certain health behaviours, self-esteem, measures of mental stress. Measurement Scales General health questionnaire: Goldberg, D.P., <i>Manual of the General Health Questionnaire</i>, Windsor: NFER-Nelson, 1978 (12-item version).
One-stage cluster sample
Fixed start, regular interval sample from list of all Scottish secondary schools, resulting in 30 s
Postal survey